18. enemies

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(About half a year later...)
"The number 2 pro hero....." blah blah blah...
the agency gives me the task and I'm so confused.
I instantly call Touya,
Please pick up please pick up..
He picks up after a few seconds and I start yelling at the phone.
"TOUYA!! guess what I have to do, literally guess!!!"
"What? You have to cut your wings?"
"No! Use your brain!"
"The agency gave you a task huh?"
"Yes! Because they stalked you guys and said you guys will attack Elbaron soon, the abandoned train place where they trained.."
"what? I was about to tell you, the stalked me? Or us?"
"Yeah! I shouldn't be telling anyone but.."
"Damn ok.."
"DABI!!!" I hear from the ground, blue long hair yells from the ground.
"what..?" I mumble.
Dabi burns everything down all the buildings and everyone scatters around screams. I fly down, but my wings almost touch the fire, I flinch and fly up again, contacting all the other hero's. After endeavor found out Touya was his son, he did not be in a fight with the LOV again except for taking on with other hero's in. But he then never went on himself. Alone.
dabi after burning all the stuff then goes inside a building, the fire splatting out the window wherever he runs.
No wonder the school said he has mental issues. How is he, laughing and happy when he sees all these random people who did nothing to him, die?
the whole building suddenly collapses and I catch him on time and dump him on another building.
"Hey-! Oh, hi." He takes my hand and kisses it through my gloves.
I pull my hand away, " are you crazy?" I fly up and sprout around the sky again.
"bye..!" Dabi waves at me. Holy fuck this stupid human being. He won't die anyway, right?
"To hawks to hawks!! Any suspects?"
"Yes, on 207 Elbaron elita street!" I read out the street sign, which was burnt half way and falling at the seams.
The heroes of course instantly come and dabi looks shocked. He lashed out a huge amount of fire and told every one of his teammates to run. Shagaraki, I think that's his name, touched the ground and the ground started to crumble, dirt and dust exploded from the underneath.
I shoot my feathers, trying not to aim at dabi. "I have hit turtle and mask Zebra face and am targeting the leader shagaraki." I contact the other heroes. The other heroes tell me that their completely blocked by the water blue flames and only endeavor can get through but he is being a wimp and scared he has to face his unwanted son. Like, bro?
I yell at endeavor,
"If you don't do this, WE WILL LOSE AND EVERYONE INCLUDING UR FAVORITE SON AND UR WHOLE BLOOD LINE WILL BE SHAMED, that YOU couldn't save people, save anyone here. Do you want that?"
He screams no at me and I see he instantly walks into the fire with fire in his eyes. Not technically but yeah.
I fly down to carry the other pro heroes across the fire and start to aim at the LOV again.
Shagaraki was smart and-
Oh shit. I hit dabi.
I fly down and peek at him. He gets up and his arm was bleeding and the blood flooded everywhere.
He saw endeavor getting close and he gets mad, really mad.
He used his other hand to make fires. But the blood loss had made him more weak.
"Hah. See.? You aren't better than me!." Endeavor says in a intimating manner.
"I am, just.." he gets up and takes out my feather from his arm. The blood comes our more rapidly but he doesn't give a shit.
He burns my feather and glares at me.
He waves his bloody arm across the air and the air floods with smoke and flames.
Endeavor uses his body to block himself. Suddenly shoto jumped out and pushed his father away then used ice to block the fire. The ice was melting at the second it was built. The only way is to make the ice continuously.
Shoto kept making ice while endeavor stood there again.
"Can't you do this later?! What's wrong with you?!" Shoto waves a flame at endeavor's face.
endeavor looks like he has been awaken after a long sleep and jumps up to attack dabi. Dabi was trying to avoid getting his arm hurt again. But once he saw his dad, he totally lost his mind. He keeps leashing flames randomly and his arm isn't controlled anymore. His arm is randomly swinging everywhere, causing everything to burn.
"YOU FUCKING ABUSER!" Dabi using both of his arms to blast out a powerful shot. The whole sky turns into blue flames for a moment. And I thought endeavor died. Everyone did.
Yeah, he did not.
"I AM YOUR FATHER, HOW DARE YOU-!!" He lashed out his fire flaming hellnspider or something and then proceeded to keep yelling 'ahhh'
Touya flies a mile high and gets smashed onto the floor. Endeavor pinning him to the ground, putting a chain cuff on his wrists. Bro you stupid? You can't stop him with those? Nothing can.
"you..pathetic.." Touya waves his hand into the air and shagaraki comes and humps on endeavor. I shoot down and stab shagaraki's leg with a my sword, I take it back and pull endeavor, leaving the scene. Endeavor then works with me, lashing a huge amount of fire at the LOV while we leave, stopping dabi from coming..

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