8 'whats holding you back?'

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"Thanks.." I blush and smile.
Damn, this..feels..like home. I..trust him, a whole lot, he's although a villain, I trust him.
It's forbidden to like each other though. I should take my chances and fight him to prove myself but not really hurt him but look like I'm doing something, so I could finally be the first none up to 25 hero. But I'm not taking advantage of his feelings. I wanna see what it feels like, it seems..he seems, trustable. He won't use me, right?
"I remember what you said when you were cursing bellatrix out for the first time, the whole thing.." I say, tossing the scarf around my neck.
"uhm. Yeah? And?..wait,what are you doing? That's now how to handle a scarf, you've got problems or some'?" He says, coming close and fixing my scarf for me.
I held a feather in my left hand to try to end him, just maybe..
he comes close and lifts my chin up to see him. Every inch of us gets closer and closer. He presses me against the graffitied wall in the alleyway.
he wants to kiss me, right? But he..is afraid to. I am not betraying every hero though. I am not going to kiss him. But I'd be happy, Like SUPER HAPPy if he did actually kiss me. Thrilling.
He lets go and his fist full of flames fades.
I hold my feather sword tightly and quickly let my hand slide off his shoulder.
wait, those flames, they were,, very extremely close to my wings.
We both had the same thought I guess.
"We both want the same thing.." he says quietly to me.
"So, what's holding you back?" I let go of my feather and it clearly went back to my wings. I hand my arms around his shoulder and put my head on his chest.
He grabs me by the waist and his hands are..warm yet not cold or hot. For once.
"I..don't know what to say.when you cursing me out,,I was just mad..so I said what I didn't mean to say." I try to explain.
He grabs me tighter and I lay all my weight on him.
"This suits." He says.
"Being a villain?"
"Then we'd have to fight and like..wouldn't it be awkward for you to fight against the people you once allied with?"
"Yeah, definitely would be very...but, being a hero doesn't have profits."
"But you get loved and famous..." I chuckle.
"That has always been your goal, just be a model, you are beautiful.."
"Thanks, I know.." I smile inside but keep a stern face.
"Yeah you ain't fooling me with that wrinkly smile, let it all out, dog..."
"I.." I trail off. Tears start to spill down and I don't even know why?.. I grab his shirt tight and start to whisper scream.
"Touya.." I say, mouth full of salty tears...
"Those are real..not crocodile tears.." he gasps.
"I know this is ridiculous, but I don't even know why I'm crying..I mean.. yeah.."
"I miss you, too.." he hugs me.
We have a whole entire moment, before a big explosion in the sky explodes.
"The Baka and those dickheads escaped???"
"What? It's Midoryia and bakugou and Todoroki.."
"Oh,whatever, they are weaklings." He lets go of my waist.
"I just..miss you too, but im not returning back to being a hero, chasing my dream,to be a hero. Being a hero, you risk everything for everyone when you'd not anything in return."
"What do you get as a villain?"I take the scarf off.
"Wait- keep it.. don't." He pushes my hand with the scarf in it back to my chest.
He leans in and was about to kiss me when- eraser head came was told me to get back to wherever I belong. Touya blushes and turns away.
Eraser head runs off as pretending he did not see anything.
"That was so embarrassing for you.." he says.
"Yeah, but I'm not very close or I rarely even take notice him and he doesn't notice me much either."
"But you're so eye-catching, keigo.."
"Touya..I have to go... sorry."
"Bye." I then fly up to the sky, looking down to Touya waving at me.

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