16. Hospital

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(5 months later
... I wake up to the sounds of yelling noises and see that it's baka. I open my eyes and see random juniors around the room, their all from shoto's class.
Glad that I'm not that of a popular villain so they let me into hospitals, also I wonder if shaggy hair notices I'm gone.I act normal and take out my phone,I turn it on and has 5 percent of battery. That's fine for the the whole day.
I text keigo first, the first thing I thought of was the memory of the event and what me and keigo have been through. Having sex and stuff🥰etc.
Anyway, I text shaggy hair.
"What where r u"
"Which" he asked, HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO KNOW
"Why u needta know" I take my time to search on Google maps.
"to come get u we saw what happened on the news at UA idiot"
"Oh" really? They put me on the news? Everyone must be in love right now.
"Gazop hospital" I randomly make up.
"What is that"
"Idk find our urself if you don't come kill everyone here I'll be grateful" aka dont kill keigo and shoto.
"Make sure to make it back"
"ok." I dry text him. Like shut up I definitely and of course can.
After this lame conversation,I go to keigo,
"Hi" I text.
A ding echos the room. I turn my head and see keigo is right there. Fucking hell how am I so stupid.
he texts back, "ur awake?" And looks to my direction.
I text, " I'm glad that ur alive."
"same to you." He smiles at me.
shoto comes to me and hands me a hand.
"What" I say. Oh my god, my voice is so hoarse. That I sound like a 42774 year old man. Omg.
"ur voice needs a bit of change." Keigo says with his perfect voice like usual.
"How do you sound normal? How long was I here?"
"You were here for 2 months, and hawks had woken up for a few hours already." Todoroki pretends to be smart.
"Uh huh...?" I trail off, seeing some, dark bird or peacock, oh wait no, uh, cock? WIATW AHT NO, crow. Yes crow. Being all touchy with MY keigo.
"Did the doctors say anything about cannot pull out these things?" I point at the wires.
"Uh no, but doesn't mean-" he didn't get to finish what he was saying, before I pulled out the fucking things. I pulled them out and literally fling them away, lift myself off the bed and then hobble away towards keigo's bed. I push the crow away and then go to keigo.
Keigo furrow his fucking eyebrows at me and looks disgraceful.
"What?" I raise a brow.
"Why did you push him? That wasn't necessary."
"What? You like him more than me now?"
"Uhm.." keigo glances at all the people and looks at me and does the neck cut thing.
"Uh huh." I roll my eyes. I get my jacket on the shelf and bang the door shut.
"bye." I wave at keigo.
"what? Dude, you've got to pay." Todoroki held the sleeve of my jacket.
Suddenly keigo got up and offered that he would pay. "I can pay,dabi."
'Dabi'.. a low level.
"yeah sure, come." I lead him out the room.
(Outside of the room)
"Who was that?" I grab his hand while we were waiting in the line.
"What? He's just a trainee of mine. from UA."
"He's more important than me huh?" I shoot my shot.
"Uhm..no? Of course not," he holds my hand.
"really?" I squeeze his hand hard and leaned on his shoulder. He shook me off and nodded.
"It's our turn." He walks up to the counter while I'm holding onto his arm like a little kid.
"For..dabi?" He is unsure of my surname they put on the list.
"You mean dabi,benji?"
"BENJI?" I almost choke on laughter, but I go with it.
"Yea, BENJI." I say.
"Okay, that will be 4000 for 2 months.
"Here you go.." keigo swiftly wips out 4000.
I grab him by the waist and pulls him back onto my body. The counter is high enough to hide that though.
"Keigo, I need to use the bathroom, let's go." I whispered in his ear.
We were there and I bang him against a wall inside of a stall.
"What are you- NO! Your body is still weak, and mine is too, we just woke up from like a coma! We should not-!!"
"it doesn't matter, just kissing." I shrug.
I kiss him and we start making out.
"mhhmm..." he pulls away.
"That wasn't even 1 minute, you need Trainging. You seriously need that." I chuckle.
"Mhm.. it's,,that I can't breathe, your being too hard on me.."
"You just can never go hard."
"Wait..what?! No!"
"come on, accept I'm the top and you're bottom, you lose, keigo."
"ugh, I hate you."
"I love you too."
"Then what if you go like someone else?!"
"I literally wont! Why would I?! You're enough for me."
"What if you get bored of me?"
"I wont."
"You will, you got bored with some girl in school and broke up with her, what if you do that with me too?!"
"She's a GIRL. I don't even like girls, that's the main reason, and second reason is she's like a slut, she cheated. That was an excuse so that I could break up with her." Keigo explains once again, as I have asked him and talked about this 300 times already as he says.
"But..what if you turn out to not like men?"
"If I don't, I wouldn't have had sex with you."
"Yeah, but to be honest, I kinda forced you into it." I sit on his bed.
"Ugh..Touya..I won't!!" He grabs my face and pulls it towards his.
We kiss and I secretly blush.
"just,,trust me, for once, okay?"

Secret..//dabihawks//dabi x hawksWhere stories live. Discover now