2 story

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☂️ DABI POV😩🍆💜
"SORRY" I shout at the nugget.
He flaps his wings around and around trying to shoot down the fire. LUCKILY.. there was a water quirk guy that shot his wings with water. He calmed down and came to me. He punches me and kicks me to the ground. He pinches me to the floor with his knee on my chest, making me hard to to breathe, on top of that, he literally, LITERALLY, was choking me, by grabbing me by the neck, his feathers were less than ever and the trims of it were burnt, just like my hands were. These gloves are useless. What kind of outfit is this? I paid for it too. You know what, it's better for me to go with just clothes and without gloves. No gloves and handle my fire outrage.
Hawks wanted to grab his sword and threaten me, but haha. Jokes on him, he doesn't have it anymore. I BURNT IT. I laughed and was even more hard to breathe when I was laughing. I almost died. He let go of me and rolls his eyes.
"Now see why you're not number one in this stupid school?" I grin at him.
"You're still dumb." He pushes me and I fall into some feathers. The feathers were laid on the floor and he smirks.
"That would've been so cool if they were spiked up." He chops his hands into his pockets.
"Then why didn't you?"
"that's what I mean by you're stupid, you're missing some brain cells in your big head, you know?"
"okay,I know, I have one brain cell to acknowledge that, but why?"
"So it wouldn't kill you?" Hawks rolls his eyes. DAMN where's this attitude coming from. Just like my father, ew.
I roll my eyes. Wait, I mean, not roll, my eyes do a flip and start to sit on the floor.
The teacher tells everyone else to mind their own business as usual and focus on their own task.
Me and hawks's is probably finished.
The teacher came over and asked me, " so, what's your hero name? And what's your last name? You're a great hero."
I never told them because endeavor is like..my father, even if the second best hero was right now related to me, everyone would bow down to me and I would have NO ONE to pick a fight with. Sooo I never told ANYONE. Not even hawks. Hawks name is a natural, keigo. He had some trauma but not as worse at mine probably. His dad was abusive, kinda, like mine and his mom, I forgot.
"I don't have any last name or hero name." In fact, I'm not ready to come out as gay or as a hero. Or as anything.
I'm just wanting to be an ordinary person with cool powers that can kill someone with. Like I want to murder and kill and most importantly, win everyone. That's why this school is trash. My only rival is keigo. And keigo is far from my level when his weakness is literally my quirk. His wigs can't handle fire. AT ALL. And his personality..it's way to soft to be a winner. Not really, but he's gotta fix something in him. He gives too much mercy to people he sympathies. I mean, having mercy is a good thing, but having too much is bad,(keigo.). Having none, (me) is also pretty bad. But having none is better than too much.
ANYWAY. The teacher said some bullshit and said something shocking..
"So, you're so powerful, huh? Where did the origin come from? You have fire as a quirk and not just ANY fire,it's a blue flame, and your name is inserted as dabi, but that's not a real, complete name, because it's literally without a last name, tell me, what are you hiding?"
I can't tell her I don't trust her, but what should I do, should I tell a lie.
"OWWWW!!! MY BACK!" Keigo screamed and gave me a side eye.
I got his meaning and lit his left over feathers on fire, almost burning his back to let the teacher see and let me go.
"WATERAID!!!"the dickhead teacher calls the water quirk guy.
The water guy sprayed his back with water and put the fire out immediately.
"Thank you.." hawks touch his back and I think it's actually hurting and aching.
The water guy touched hawks's wings and tRYiNG tO kEeP tHEm hYdrATEd, he said, "you okay? Keig'?"
"Go back to mind your own business." I shove him and he drops to the floor. Haha idiot. Like ew get your dirty little paws off what's mine. I wanted to stick my tongue out and smirk at him. But that's very very un- hero like to do.
I took keigo's hand and pulled him into the first aid room. The nurse is currently gone so I set him on the bed myself. I get the tool box and get some cotton balls. I dab his blood on his back and demand him to take off his shirt. He does and I start to scan his scars.
"These were literally all from you." He rolls his eyes.
"Yeah.." I take off my shirt and show him all the cuts he made on my chest.
"Oh, sorry." He looks away.
"It's okay, we're helping each other practice.ANYWAY, why did you not answer? I never even got your last name? Could u tell me? I literally won't tell anyone, it's a secret I bet, literally it must be" he gets excited.
"How old are you?" I give a sign to ware him off.
"Ughhh~ just fucking tell me.."
"you might aCciDEnTaLLY tell someone?"
"I literally won't, you're the most important person in my life, you mean so so so much to me, why would I?"
My heart skips a beat hearing all of this, I am important and useful and can't be replaced in his heart. I've never heard someone say that to me, not even my siblings. I couldn't help but open my heart to him, "so.. my dad, uhm, don't freak out.. my dad is endeavor..."--I gulp looking at his shocked face, that face slowly turned to 'interesting..' so I continued, "and my family hasn't always been perfect..you know, shoto? Uhm.. todoroki from class 1A?"
He nods, "yeah, he's like..a creep."
"Can you blame him? Growing up..so chaotic. He got abused.. and.. stuff, by my dad and everything, my dad, endeavor isn't the nicest, at all. We have four kids, including me in the whole blood line. He only cares about Todoroki and not me or fuyumi or the other whatever brother. And I swear to god, I hate todorki, so so so much, not really, I don't blame him for all of it, but it was his birth that made me lose my dad's love and attention, it's not like I was desperate for it... but, to be honest, my dad only liked his kids, for their quirks, he liked me because my quirk was powerful to the point it could beat his at like..5. But Todoroki needed so much training, but because he has two quirks at once, endeavor thought it would be way more special if he surpassed the number one, all might. And I used to care a lot, like a lot that I would cry every night hearing them train outside. And todoroki's scar.. that was painful for him.
It drove their mom insane how..my dad abused his family and my mom.. poured literal boiling hot water on Todoroki.. well spilled actually..but..then.I learnt how to mind my own business and ignore them. Then I went into UA high and lived in dorms to get away all from them.. i think that my mom went to a mental hospital, but I never saw her again after the incident.I wonder how they're doing..not that I care." I explain and sigh at the end.
Keigo looks shocked for a moment and comes in for hug. I hug him back and think about how miserable my life actually is.
"You've got way too many walls built up, time to break some of them and let more stuff into your perspective."
"Can't." I hug him tighter.
"You're all I need.." I hug him even tighter.
He was silent for a moment. And suddenly footsteps echo the room.
It was the nurse.
I fling open the curtains letting go of the hug and explaining everything of what happened to keigo.
The nurse looks relaxed and says, "okay, student, just lay on the bed and I'll do the magic." I sit on the couch on the other side, facing the window,the city outside the forests are,well, very tall and delicate.
"Alright..we can go now. I've never gotten so hurt, where should we go? Class or dorms?"
"Maybe class?"
"Okay," keigo waved goodbye to the nurse and we leave.

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