17. Scars..

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This chapters kinda boring tbh u can skip if u want it's not too long btw lol
"Touya..?" Keigo calls out to me while under his blankets after his little nap.
"I think my bandages fell..?"
"And?" I keep thinking about the math question on his homework--THAT IM DOING FOR HIM.
"help me..get one more..?"
"Sure, what size?"
"Uhm..those big square ones.."
I go to the cupboard and grab the whole bandage box. I bring it over to the bed walking out of the little bathroom and handing it to keigo.
"What-? I..told you to bring 1 single piece of a bandage."
"Well, take the one you need."
His face shows that he's clearly still sleepy. Oh my god, this baby.
I cup my hands onto his face and squeeze it, "little birdie.." I kiss his forehead. All his hair is messier than it already was.
"Augah.." he pushes my face away, "help?" He pouts at me.
I put the bandage on his..scars.
"These scars were all made by me, huh?"
"Well, yeah, but, it's fine, touya, you tried to help, I know you don't do it on purpose..-"
"And your wings are permanently gone now, all burnt down by me.."
"Uh, well, I'm saying that it's literally fine! I- I mean you didn't mean to hurt me,and that's what matters, I love you, okay?"
"I love you too, but, these..scars and wounds were like I hurt you, a lot."
"No,but it wasn't like you wanted to either. So..just forget about it."
I sat on the bed side and watched him move around like a new born chick.
"Hah?" I moan at him.
"yeah? Just..chill out
He suddenly starts to cry and hugs me. He stumbles all over me and starts to make out with me. "what-? What are you- why are you-?"
"I...look, I'm just sorry."
"Don't be," I ruffle his hair. And kiss his head.
He hugs my waist and pin me to the bed.
"I'll love you forever.." he smiles at me.
"Hah..same.." I blush and smile and shove my face in his chest.

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