19. Sorry not sorry

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(Pleas read this chapter it's so good I worked hard on this if u don't then die<33!)
I see Touya getting up super weakly and holding shagaraki's shoulder to support his body.
he takes brushes off the ashes on his jacket and groans.
"You don't have a choice." Shagaraki gives him the middle finger.
Touya ran into his own blue flames and kept running, coming out just fine, he runs in the middle of the buildings and burn everything down, I send my feathers out to save all the people who is still in there, yelling for help. But the hero's weren't able to save them yet, before fighting the flames down.
eraser head tried to spot dabi and erase his quirk, but the ashes and smoke was too strong, he couldn't see him in the midst of it all.
After making sure all the people is safe, I chased after Touya. I'm going to pretend to be doing something and not wanting to just see him.
Love really dread me away from being a real hero, especially when he's included in the battle.
"Wait, dabi!" I yelled at him. He stopped and turned around with his bright cyan eyes.
"What?" He glared me.
"you don't have to do this, you can surpass your dad by being the number 1 too, why do this? You're killing all these people, for no reason."
"Oh? I didn't kill them, you saved them."
"I did, but doesn't mean that you can try to hurt them either, you're making our job hard."
"Uh huh?"
We stay in silence and I secretly share my location with all the other heroes. The heroes come after like 2 seconds and starts to attack down Touya. I feel bad for him, but he'll get away with it anyway.
.. guess who was wrong.
They captured him successfully by some poison thing hero poisoned him and made him faint.
Now we are in a experimental room and he's tied to a chair inside the titanium wall and has a glass thing to see him inside. Eraser head has eyes on him through the glass, erasing his quirk.
"let me talk to him.." I say at the other heroes.
"huh? Why? You don't know him."
"Yeah, I don't but, I can communicate nicely, right?"
... at night💞
I sneak into the room, and slide open the metal door. It makes squeaking noises and Touya flinched at the sounds.
"Hey.." I whisper.
"what? You betrayed me."
"I did not..I..just shared my location."
"Which we both were at."
"Yeah, but I didn't expect you to faint."
"I did not either. Can't blame me."
"well, I did share my location with them, I didn't want to get caught. Also,-"
"UGH! I HATE IT WHEN ITS LIKE THIS, YOU SEE ME AS JUST AS IMPORTANT AS THOSE HEROES,THAT MEANS, AM I EVEN YOUR LOVER?! I LOVE YOU, WITH ALL MY HEART, and, wow, you DONT EVEN LOOK LIKE YOU CARE OR GIVE A SHIT ABOUT ME.." Touya shakes his head and starts to shiver. Blue flames go around his body but doesn't lit up. Smoke starts to come from his face.
I go over and tilt his head upper, I see his face, all snuggled with blood and tears.
"All this time.."--he shakes off my hand on his face,--" I thought you loved me, just the way I loved you, but, turned out, I also try and give my best, while other people things I am not worthy and useless, abandoned, used, taken advantage of, abused, discarded.. now I get another kind of pain, lies and manipulation.." he holds my hands and holds it tight.
I look at him and suddenly felt my hand heating up to higher than 1999 degrees.
"OW! Touya!!" I flinch away and fall onto the ground. My hand accidentally touched the metal and I didn't realize his fire could melt down metal. The chains melt and he gets up. He picks me up by the waist and lifts me up, my thigh on his shoulder, his burning hot hands on my hips and waist.
his right leg comes up and tugs me up.
He starts to make out with me and starts to touch me all around.

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