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His eyes are bright pink with a bit of yellow and I, damn am scared.
his earrings glitter from the slight light from my finger right now.
"Really?" He grins and says in an intimidating tone.
"Yeah.." I shrug. I hang the crowbar back on my back and take his hand. He seems to stay still and is calming down.
"I..keigo, i know I turned to the villain side, betraying you, and everyone we know, but,I still love and have fallen for you, don't you understand? You're the one I can see growing old with,and now everything we hoped about came into focus, don't waste this chance, if in a few years, i will definitely still remember you, and miss you, i would call you up and tell you how I feel. But now, what I feel about you,is that we could be a great match if you just have it a shot? Im all open for you right now."
He looks like the normal keigo now and he was about to reply,
Suddenly the whole carriage got on fire. But not my fire, just normal fire.
Me and keigo's hand, fingers threaded together, running to the head of the train.
Abruptly, water splashes in my face. Fuck.
The whole carriage, one side fire one side water. Where could we go? The water is filling up slowly.
"Time to die I guess." Keigo hugs me.
"What?" I try to think of an idea while in the midst of it all.
The water gets to our ankles and keigo sits on a damped fallen pole or something. I lay my head on his lap and he smiles at me.

I touch his face slowly and stood up to kiss him

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I touch his face slowly and stood up to kiss him.
he smiles at me and I could feel the warmth of his smile when our lips touch.
The kiss is over and we both pull away.
"oh look, light." I say pointing up to a ray of light from the ceiling.
"I swear, if someone was there..especially if it was a teache--"
"TOUYA!" Someone yells. Definitely not a teacher.
Hawks suddenly goes crazy again and tries to attack Todoroki who is above the ceiling. His wings suddenly regrow pretty quickly and his feathers come back from the floor and under some fallen stuff from the fire, most of them ate burnt but they are still useable.
He aims them at todoorki and I quickly had to think. Todoroki burnt his feathers wth his weak fire. But his fire wasn't strong enough yet. Some feathers still went through. Hah, imagine. Can't defeat burnt feathers. And those burnt feathers were burnt by me. Haha loser.
Ugh I had to help him though.
I aim my fire at the ceiling so all the concrete would just go away and make a huge safe path for us to go to. But instead, the fire just spread and spread and made the situation worse.
Keigo was going crazy. AGAIN. I held him back and tried to kiss him because that calmed him down a whole lot.
"AHGAHHAGGGGG'!!" He pushed me away.
I fell into the water and my hands caught on fire.
The fire on my hands instantly burst out onto the whole train. Explosions sounds came from the head of the train. Slowly to the middle of the train, where we were. Keigo looked at him and I didn't want him to hurt my brother's boyfriend at all because todoroki would kill me.
"BAKA! MOVE ASIDE!" I yell in Baka's face.
"WHO U CALLIN BAKA?!" Baka yells.
"MOV--!!" Before I could say it, keigo humped on Baka and Baka fell onto the fire immediately. Todoroki instantly jumped down and tried to save his boyfriend, Baka.
"YOU IDIOTS!" I pushed Baka and todorki away from the fierce fire, I was about to get keigo away from the fire but I see keigo gone.
A scream from a far distance. Probably from the ground,above me.
I jump up, burning the roof with my flames and then chasing after keigo. The floor is burnt to crisp and the floor cracks. He falls and we both fall. I swim over to him and the flames get super close.
I hug him for the last time..

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