3 quirk

12 0 0

"This is our new student, Anika suguri."
I look at this ugly paste green hair girl with some what like of dragon horns on her and apparently the teacher said she has powers of turning people into babies. That's dumb.
She sits next to keigo and waves hi.
Keigo, his stupid kind open personality, says hi. They start talking about leaving me alone.
Time for a partner for work in class. I turn around as usual, thinking keigo would be there. BUT. WHAT THE FUCK.
I stand up and grab him by the hand, "what?"
"What what what?"
"Why are you being partners with her? You have me." I protest.
"She's new!! Can't you welcome someone for once?"
"Okay? She's new? She can make other friends." I grab him tighter.
"yeah but she only knows me right now."
"Then tell her to fuck off and find someone else to chat with or befriend."
"We only have a few minutes to choose a partner, you seriously have to do this?"
"Yea, you are my partner, my one and only."
"Well, go make friends?" Keigo flings my hand away and goes to his aNiKA.
I sit down and realize maybe I should go befriend with amaki or something whatever his name even is!!
the class has 21 people so I would normally right now be the one left out.
Okay so we are lining up right now and the one without a partner will be first to introduce themself to the new student. Aka me. What, why me.
"You know, you should take some advice from your friend, hawks." She walks onto the platform.
"You don't know what my power is huh?"
I crack my knuckles. Literally that crunch is better than a bag of Doritos.
"I don't, show me, this is the point of this?"
I throw a flash of flame at her, "that's weak, if you can't handle that, what kind of hero will you ever be?" I say
"One better than you." She gets up from the floor. Some of her hair is on fire. Haha ugly bitch.
The teacher demands me to stop when he sees I want to throw another bigger flame at her.
"It's her turn to release her quirk."
"She has one?" I raise my left brow.
"I do." She closes her eyes and her stupid big ass horns glow. We waited, waited, AND WAITED. NO SHITS HAPPENED.
Hawks came in front of me and started to babble how I was TOO HARSH on her. Like what?
As I was going to reply, her quirk came out and it hit right on keigo!!!!!!!!!!!
He falls down and I catch him. That bitch comes over and starts to ask if he's okay. SLUT ARE YOU DUMB? "HES LITERALLY UNCONSCIOUS AND YOURE ASKING HIM STUFF?" I slap her acrosss the face and blow her away with a fist of my flames. I carry keigo to the teacher and ask him what I should do. He told me to bring him to the mouse principal and so I did. The mouse (principal) said that he was hit by that girl's quirk. A baby quirk. Which would turn people into babies after they wake up and it would last for A WEEK. And of course no teacher was responsible for this, and only the girl. But boys aren't allowed in there. So now. IM IN CHARGE. THATS SO UNFAIR. It's not even my fault..
At night that day...
He still is unconscious. What if he never comes back?!! UGH THATS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. if he is going to turn go baby..then,he won't remember anything right? That means,, I can hug him? Cuddle him? You know.. I just wanna touch and feel him close,like not in a way of sex, well maybe yeah it is,but he's not even conscious.
I take off my shirt and lay on the bed then I put keigo on top of me and I fell asleep gradually.
it's 10 minutes since I've been off school and I'm picking of what to put on baby keigo. He hasn't woken up yet, but he has already transformed. He looks so cute. My clothes are helling too big. I have to go buy clothes. Is this what it feels like to be a dad but a single dad with a baby? And now a wife?? What is this life..
should I go to Walmart. Or target.
You know what. Fuck this, I'm going to the dollar tree.
... 4:30
Just kidding
No one is wearing cheap stuff like that in my sight. I bought some from Walmart and it matches him so well. A white t shirt and some pants. Very simple yet fashionable. I carry the bag and go to the dorm. Get some nasty stares from the mid peasants.
I was walking pretty slowly when I was going back.
I suddenly heard crying and ran to the room. Oh fuck why is he crying.
I go in and close the door super quickly.
"Are you my daddy?" He asks.
Okay, what the fuck.
"No." I put down the stuff and get his pants on and out his shirt on.
"Then why wre wyou twaking cware of mwee?"
"The fuck?" I chuckle lowly.
"Fawk?" He copied me.
"I mean, yeah, I AM YOUR FATHER." He start to play with him.
"No, daddy." I sigh.
He sits on my lap and starts to poke my chest. He tugs my sleeve and pouts.
"I'm hungry. Give me food, or else." He flaps his wings. Oh my god,this is so cute.
"Fine what do you want?" I hide so much of my excitement.
"what is there? What do ywou want?"
"Pizza." I type in the search bar.
"Which one you find you like?" I ask him, showing him my phone.
He points at the cheese pizza. At least he as a baby has taste buds.
There are 2 days until I can finally not take care of a cute baby. I might miss him, but I miss my real, mature, hot, keigo more.
I swear, this baby is problematic. Anyway, today, we have swimming lessons.
And I cannot not attend because apparently water is my weakness. But it's not.
they are telling us to use our quirks in water and they think I, not strong enough to lit myself up on fire even in water. I am super wonderfully positive that I can literally the whole school on fire even in the water. Anyway, for the training water lesson. Somehow, all might showed up, he showed up since the garden 1 people joined, like the new year of gardening started this year. First, the water guy, because he will show us all how to deal with water. Like no? He literally malfunctions the water..
Anyway, my turn, I take off my shirt and some girls drool over me. Fuck girls, men are hot. I'm on men.
I dump myself into the pool and activate my quirk. The pool ground almost was on fire before the water guy comes and stops me. Like, bro, he jealous I'm better.
When I get out, all might tells me to go over to him and talk. I DONT WANT TO TALK TO YOU, YOU OLD MAN.
He flexed his muscles and started to babble about how I'm so so powerful and I have been reported several times almost hurting and killing students or even teachers or anyone, I didn't really get a hold of what he was talking about, but, there was something I heard really clearly.the last question he asked before I started to shoot him with fire.
"Who's your dad? Todoroki shoto and you are related, right? Your dad is endeavor?"
I throw daggers of stares at him and hold back a fist full of fire at my back.
"I don't know."I then walk away. I don't want to let you know, STUPID FAKEDICKHEADIHATEYOUANDYOURPITY!!!!!!!!
"Touya," he smiles.
What the fuck. I throw a fist full of flame at him, I couldn't help but do that. He dodged and let the wall get burned, the fire spreads but the water guy seemed to save the day again.
The teacher, my stupid teacher came and apologized to all might for me attacking him. IM SORRY? WHAT IS THERE TO SAY SORRY ABOUT??? Literally what is so good about this all muscle man? He's freakin old, and stupid AND UGLY--
"Mhm?" A little weak voice comes from my leg. Someone is pulling pants. Bro what the fuck.
"oh it's you." I sigh of relief.
It's keigo.I carry him into my arms and he looks at all might.
"ewww..." he gasps.
I burst out laughing in his face and keigo rolls his eyes.
"You have an attitude at a young age, huh?" All might holds keigo's hand.
"Ew.." keigo flaps his wings and flings his hand away.
"HAHHAHAHAHHAHA" I laugh and lean closer to his face to show how impressed I am by junior keigo right now.
"you kids.." all might turned away to face failure behind him. BAHGAHAHAHHAHAHAH
The last hour...that junior keigo stays.
"Keigo.." I kiss him on the cheek.
Baby keigo looks confused and I suggest that we go take a bath.

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