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"Dabi?" I knock on his stupid door.
"mhm.." a groan comes from his room.
Ugh don't tell me that he still hasn't woke up? It's..7:53 and school's at 8.
I bang open his door and look at him,messy hair,perfect natural cat cyan eyes, those black sheets complimenting his eyes so welly.
I pull Open his sheets and he only has boxers on. I smirk and sit on the bed.
"your pants are dirty, stupid.." he sits up.
"They aren't, unlike you, I wash them EVERYDAY." I Punch him in the stomach.
"Stop.." he gets up and goes to his closet, softly brushing shoulders with me.
he gets out his uniform and gets ready in like 5 minutes.
I look at the clock, 7:59.
"It's your fault that we have to run to school now." I get up in quick motion.
"Okay." He grabs my waist and I was so confused.
"What?" I mhm.
"fly, idiot? There's a fucking window next to my bed for some reason."
"Smart." I start to take off. When I land inside the school,the bell perfectly timing rings.
"yeah let's go." I hold his wrist and sprint into the classroom.
When we get in, nejire waiting for us at our seats and tamaki plus mirio waiting for us.
"you guys are late."
"No we aren't." Dabi throws his backpack on his seat, in front of me.
I close my wings and carefully walk to my seat, trying not to hit anyone.
In training class..
The random teacher brings us to this big ass room and the training session will begin there.
The teacher tells all the rules about how u can't kill all the people and can't do anything much to this place and can't attack others that isn't your opponent.
"It's training..Yeahhh~"
"We all love training lessons."I flap my wings.
Dabi lits his finger tip on fire and hit my wings. I screech and punch him in the face.
As usual, all eyes are on us.
Dabi throws a few balls of flames as me and I quickly make a sword out of my left over feathers.
The first chapter..leading onto the next
(Please read the next,I don't know how to continue this chapter, but the next one is so much better💕🎸)

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