part 2

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A cute little boy is sitting in bed with a big pout. He is looking at his mobile continuously. That's when his brother comes inside and smiles, looking at a pout on his baby brother face.  he sit down beside his little brothe and strokes his hair.

"What happened to my baby? Why did he have this much big pout on his beautiful face," the elder asked

The cute boy looked up, and his pout get more big. He showed his mobile to his brother

"Look chim hyung, taetae hyung didn't call me till now," the cute one sulk

Jimin smiled at his brother behaviour and said

"Kookie, he must be busy. You know nah in this week, his final exam is coming," jimin said and tae nodded cutely

"But still hyung at least one minute he can call me," jungkook said stubbornly

"But kookie_____," jimin word cut in middle when jungkook phone started to ringing

Jimin and jungkook looked at the phone and smile widely. When he saw its taehyung call and which make him more happy is its video call. Jungkook happy took the phone and accepted the call.................jungkook frown when he saw tired taehyung

"Hyungie, why are you looking so tired," jungkook asked in concern

"Oh that I didn't sleep whole night bunny, I have many topic to cover," taehyung said tiredly

"Hyungie you need to take care of yourself, what if you will get sick," jungkook said with angry pout

"You are scolding your best friend bunny" taehyung said making sad pout

"Huh did I just scold you," jungkook asked innocently with doe eyes

"Hmm," taehyung said still make fake sad face

"A-am sorry Hyungie, I didn't mean to hurt you I was just worried for you," jungkook said with glossy eyes

Taehyung looked at jungkook teary eyes  but before he said something. Jimin snatched the phone from jungkook hand and hugged the boy.....he glare at taehyung and said

"Yah, why are you making my baby sad, do you want a slap from my hand," jimin scoulded taehyung

"I was just teasing him," taehyung said nervously

"You fucking taehyung," jimin again shouted

But taehyung and jimin immediately wide their eyes because they know what is coming for them. Like same they thought jk speak

"What is mean by fucking hyung," jungkook asked innocently

Taehyung glare at jimin and jimin nervously laugh. He looked at jungkook who is looking at him with doe eyes. Jimin gulp and said

"Its nothing baby,"

Jungkook didn't satisfied with jimin answer so he looked at taehyung, now taehyung gulp looking at doe innocent eyes

"Hyungie what is fucking," jungkook asked

Taehyung feel himself getting hard hearing this sinful word from jungkook innocent lips. He gulp

"Baby its mean, yeah yeah its mean handsome," taehyung said with nervous smile

Jimin facepalm himself at taehyung answer

"Wow really, I don't know that," jungkook said with bid bunny smile

"Then you know hyungie," jungkook said and looked at taehyung

"What bunny," taehyung asked

"You are fucking," jungkook said innocently

Hearing jungkook words Taehyung wide his eyes while jimin started to laugh crazily........taehyung fake cough and said

"Look bunny don't say this to anyone outside ok," taehyung said and jungkook nodded

"No hyungie I will not say this to anyone because for me you are only handsome oh no I mean fucking," jungkook again said and taehyung curse himself telling jungkook lie

Jimin laugh more holding his stomach. Jungkook looked at taehyung confusedly

"Hyungie why chim hyung is laughing so much, did I said something wrong," jungkook asked

"No baby you didn't said anything wrong and listen to me from now on you only will called him fucking taetae," jimin said controlling his laugh

"Yes its a good idea," jungkook said excitedly

"Shut up jimin or I will cut your tongue," taehyung said and jimin stop laughing

"Ok bunny I am going to sleep, I have only 2 hours for rest after that I have to go to university," taehyung said with smile

"Ok hyungi, but please take care of know first love yourself then do other things," jungkook said with smile

"And who said that," taehyung asked with smile

"Your bunny said that," jungkook smile but taehyung lost hearing your bunny from jungkook mouth

"Ahhhm," tae fake cough

"Ok bunny bye," taehyung said

"Best of luck, Bye fucking taetae," jungkook said innocently

Taehyung sigh and cut the call. All the time jimin just looking at them. Jimin know that taehyung love jungkook. No taehyung didn't told jimin but though his action and behaviour toward jungkook, jimin got to know.

"Ok bunny come with me dinner is ready," jimin said and jungkook nodded

They left to have their dinner. Whole table is filled with jungkook cheerful voice. All were so happy looking at excited bunny. Jungkook talk about taehyung, his university, and many other things. All smiling hearing jungkook talk

Meanwhile with tae

Taehyung is laying on bed but sleep is nowhere. What happen just some minutes ago making him like that. His heart is beating so fast

He love jungkook his innocence and pureness but jungkook's this habit sometimes make him so much afraid. He afraid if someone try to take advantage of his bunny's this innocence.

"Your bunny," taehyung whispered and his heart beat more fast

There is smile on his face. He is looking at the SS which he took while talking with jungkook. He smile looking at jungkook confused face, his smile, his frown. All these pictures make taehyung refreshing

After two day Taehyung exams is starting. He don't know how he will leave that week with seeing his bunny because during his exam he don't have time even to eat or sleep properly

"Good night my love," taehyung whispered and kissed on jungkook picture

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