part 11

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Taehyung slowly opened his eyes, and the first thing he saw his bunny, who is sleeping peacefully, tae got up and sat down straight, looking at jungkook face............jungkook have dark circles arounds his eyes and his eyes is swelled, he have many scratches marks on his face, his lips which was rosy pink before, now lost its colour and injured

Jungkook is looking so pale, laying on a huge bed, his figure becomes more slim than before..........taehyung sighs sadly, looking at the love of his life in this condition, he bend down to jungkook face and kissed on the wound on his cheek

"Bunny, get up," tae whispered with a smile

Jungkook is sleeping peacefully, but his sleep gets disturbed by his favourite voice, his hyungie........hearing tae voice jungkook immediately open his eyes and looked at tae who is like hover overing him, jungkook looked at tae in panic and held the sheet which is on him tightly........but tae smile sadly looking at jungkook reaction

"Good morning, my little bunny," taehyung said with a smile

"G-good m-mor-morning hyungie," jungkook said in uneasiness

Realising jungkook's uneasiness, taehyung slowly backed away and made jungkook sit on bed. He softly held jungkook hands in his and asked with a smile

"How are you feeling, my bunny,"

Jungkook looked at tae for sometimes, then looked down

"A-am f-fine," jungkook said, looking down

Taehyung doesn't want to force his bunny. So he let jungkook just avoid eye contact

"Ok, let me take you to washroom," taehyung said and carried jungkook in bridal style

Jungkook curled his arms around the tae neck and held tae tightly. Taehyung smiled at jungkook and left toward the washroom. After freshup, tae comes out and makes jungkook sit on bed. He gave jungkook clothes to change and himself left to change in washroom

After changing, tae came out from the washroom and saw a cute fluff ball sitting on the bed. Jungkook is looking so much cute to handle in blue furry shirt and white pants............ Jungkook looked up when he felt stare. He glup when he saw his hyungie staring. He felt a layer of uncomfortableness in his whole body

"H-hy-hyungie," jungkook called, and tae came out of his world

"Ohh s-sorry bunny, by the way you looking so cute," tae said with a playful smile but sigh when jungkook just looked down

If the same compliment he gave to old jungkook. That jungkook gives a beautiful blushy face in return and smiles shyly. But now everything has changed. His that bunny lost now

"Ok, let's go today. we both eat with others," taehyung said with a smile, and jungkook immediately looked at tae with wide eyes

Taehyung know that only that will get when he asked to eat with other. He sigh and bend down on his knee infront of jungkook. He held jungkook hands who flinched at the touch

"I know bunny it's difficult for you but we can at least try it hmmm, and I know that my bunny always listen to his taetae hyungie," taehyung said with hopeful eyes

Jungkook looked at tae and slowly nodded looking down. He just don't want to make his hyungie sad

"Good boy," taehyung said with smile

He was about to carry jungkook but jungkook spoke

"C-can I w-walk by m- myself,"

Taehyung smile and said

"Of course,"

Taehyung held jungkook hand with one hand and with other he held jungkook waist to support him in walk. Jungkook started to took slow steps...........both come out from room. Jungkook looked around at his home and a limp stuck in his throat but he controlled himself from crying.

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