part 22

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After 1 week

This whole week taekook bond become more strong. But as now taehyung is mostly busy with his cases. Y/n and jungkook always togather after everyone left. Jungkook is now like a normal person. But still he talk less, smile less. All family is so much happy.

From few day there is disturbance in jimin. He always frustrated and not in good taehyung is going toward jimin room. He knock on the door and entered inside the room. He saw jimin is laying on bed i  full anger

"Jimin what happened," taehyung asked

"How dare he," jimin said and sit down on bed

"What happened, and who dare what," tae asked in confusion

"That fucking yoongie," jimin said

"Jimin will you tell me what happend," tae asked with done face

"That yoongi is roaming around with a girl, that girl looking like a witch. She always throw himself on yoongi and that fucking idiot didn't said her to say away," jimin said in anger

"So what, what is bothering you if he is roaming round with a girl or even date her," tae asked looking at jimin

"I don't what him to be with anyone," jimin shouted in anger

"And why," taehyung also rise his voice

Jimin become silent. He don't know why. He felt jealous when today she try to kiss yoongi. But luckily yoongi stop her otherwise jimin will beat her........but the question is that why, why

"I don't know," jimin whispered

"I tell you why," taehyung said looking into jimin eyes

"Why," jimin asked in crusity

"Because you love him pabo," taehyung said and jimin blushed

"N-no," jimin said looking away

"So let him happy with that girl. That girl will soon hug him. Kiss him. Make him his boyfriend. And after his fiance. And husband . And______," before tae complete jimin angrily strom out of his room

Taehyung smirk when his plan work well. He sigh and run toward window. He saw jimin angrily entered inside min mansion.

"My work is done here. Now yoongi bro deal with this devil," tae said with smirk and left to jungkook room to cuddle with his baby

Meanwhile in min mansion. Today mr and mrs min is not home. They left to have lunch. Yoongi is laying on bed thinking about what to do next to make jimin more jealous..........suddenly his room door get open and there standing angry jimin. Yoongi stands up from bed

"So you will hug her, kiss her, marry her hmmmm," jimin said and lock the door angrily

"W-what do you m-mean," yoongi asked in confusion

Jimin come infront of yoongi and held his collar looking at poor yoongi with dark glare

"What happened to you suddenly," yoongi asked

"Tell me will you kiss her, marry her," jimin asked with glare

"When I said that," yoongi asked

"Shut up, taehyung told me everything," jimin said and pushed yoongi on bed and hovers over him

Yoongi smirk and held jimin waist. Now he understands that taehyung make jimin more jealous

"So what Its not like you are my boyfriend and you love me," yoongi said looking into jimin eyes

"You are not going to roam around with her," jimun warnned

"And why I listen to you," yoongi asked

"You cat I am warnning you. I don't want you to with her," jimin said

"Just give me a reason to not date her," yoongi raaise his voice

"Because I love you damnit," jimin shouted in frustration and yoongi pushed him on bed and hovers over him with smirk

"I knew it. I too love you baby," yoongi said and attached his lips with jimin

Jimin wide his eyes but immediately kissed back. They started to make out. After some minutes, boh back away while breathing heavily.............jimin immediately slapped yoongi who become shocked

"Why didn't you tell me before you idiot. I cried yesterday night without any reason," jimin said with glare

"You salp me," yoongi asked wth wide eyes

"You deserve it because you make me cry," jimin said sassily

"Then you also deserve punishment to make me wait this long and now slap you boyfriend," yoongi said with smirk

Yoongi again attached their lips into a hungry kiss. Jimin kissed back with same passion. Both broke the kiss and looked into each other eyes

"I love you jimin," yoongi said with smile

"You have to make efforts from hear that back from me," jimin said and pushed yoongi on bed

"Its not fair. You just said that you love me," yoongi whine

Jimin get up from bed and come to door. He unlocked it and looked back at yoongi

"Everything is fair in love and war. If you have that power than make me say that word again for you min yoongi," jimin said and left the room with amirk sassily

"This boy is going to kill me with his sassyness," yoongi said and smile widley

He is so much happy. Jimin confess that he also love him. Yoongi caressed his lips with manic smile on his face. He still can't believe that it is true. That he kissed his love

"I will make you say those magical words to me again jimin," yoongi said with smile and hugged pillow tightly

Yoongi called taehyung and told him what happened which made taehyung so happy.

Jimin run insidethe mansion and saw taehyung is sitting on couch with jungkook. As soon as taehyung eyes landed on jimin he smirked..........jimin raised his brow at tae.

"What," jimin asked

"Your lips is swelled why," taehyung asked and jungkook wide his eyes

"Hyung what happened," jungkook immediately asked with worried eyes

Jungkook come toward jimin and ssw how much jimin lips are swelled ans red.

"Don't worry baby. I am ok," jimin said with smile but that didn't make jungkook little heart believe

"But hyung your lips are so red and swelled," jungkook said

A blush form on jimin lips remembering his intense and passionate kiss with yoongi. Taehyung smirk when he saw jimin blushed

"Someone is deeply in love," taehyung teased and jimin come out from his thouths

"Shut up. And baby your hyung is ok don't worry," jimin said and immediately left to his room

Jungkook looked at jimin disappearing figure with worrideness and come toward tae and sit down beside him

"Hyungie what happened with chim hyung," jungkook asked

Taehyung smirk and come toward jungkook ear and whispered deeply in jungkook ear

"His swelled lips is the proof of an intense and His lips screaming that how his liver pore his love on his lips. If you want, we can also try that,"

Jungkook blushed really hard and immediately pushed taehyung and run away from there with fast heart beat. After seeing jungkook reaction taehyung laughed

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