part 15

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After 1 week

Tae is sleeping peacefully when sun rays fall on his face. Tae slowly woke up and smiled sadly when he saw jungkook closed eyes. He peaks jungkook cheek and smiles

"Good morning, bunny,"

"Again a day without hearing your angelic voice, without looking into your doe eyes," tae said sadly and sighed while caressing jungkook cheek

"Let me freshan up then I will call mom to changed your clothes," tae said with a smile

He kissed jungkook forehead and left to washroom.

Meanwhile, with jungkook

Jungkook eyes are closed. He is on bed covered in the sheet. Suddenly a frown appeared on jungkook face. He heart started to beat fast. He started to breqth heavily...........

"N-no," a small whispered left from jungkook lips

"L-le-leave me," jungkook again whispered

"P-please n-no,"

"Save me s-someone,"

Jungkook was dreaming about when he got rapped. Suddenly jungkook open his eyes and sat down on bed, breathing heavily. Tears fall from his eyes.........he looked around and saw he was in his room. Jungkook frown when he saw how many tubes are attached to his body. Then all event which happen to him to he attempt suicide come to his mind

Jungkook looked up with teary eyes when he hear door opening sound. He saw his taetae hyungie standing there with wet hair. Meanwhile taehyung just frozed on his spot. He didn't believe his eyes that his bunny is sitting on bed and looking at him with his beautiful teary eyes

"H-hy-hyungie," jungkook whispered in his lowest voice

But its enough for tae to come out from his world. Jungkook get up from bed but his legs give up. He about to fall on floor but taehyung run toward him and held his bunny waist

"B-bunny," taehyung said while crying

"Taetae hyungie," jk whispered

Taehyung didn't wait for a second and hugged jungkook tightly while crying loudly. Jungkook also cried on tae chest.........Hearing crying voices all entered inside the room with panic face but wide their eyes when the saw jungkook is awake and taehyung is crying hugging him

This made everyone cry. Jhope immediately called jin and informed that jungkook come out from coma who said he will be there in some time........

"Kookie," mrs jeon called

Taekook broke the hug and mrs jeon run to take his baby in his embrace. Mrs kim cried his heart out

"Thank god you are ok my baby. Without you, your mom is dying," mrs jeon said and kissed jungkook forehead

All come and hugged jungkook one by one and express how much they all love and missed him...........taehyung held jungkook waist and make him sit down on bed. He set the pillows behind jungkook and make him rest his back there

Taehyung noticed how jungkook avoiding to touch anyone. He sigh and sit down beside jungkook. Soon namjin, eunwoo and IU come. They felt really emotional seeing jungkook all fine now...........jin checked jungkook

"Everything is fine now. Your injuries is also recovered but you need to eat alot and rest alot," jin said with smile and caressed jungkook cheek and jungkook nodded looking down

"Thank God you are fine now, Pretty boy you make us all scared like hell," IU said and all smiles

Jungkook just looked down hearing pretty boy from IU mouth. His hands cleanched on his lap. Tae looked that jungkook hand and softly held his hand and rubbed soothing circle on the back of his hand

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