part 17

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Jungkook come to his room and locked the door. He lean his back on door and sit down on floor while crying badly. He is crying on his fate. The same person who he always saw in his dreams. Who he saw confessing to him in dreams. Who kissing him in dreams and living a happy married life in confessing to him in real and kissed him in real but marriage

That not possible

Marriage is a relationship which make two pure people together. Which make two innocent heart into a pure relationship but jungkook is not pure anymore. He already get used by others

"This can't be possible hyungie," jungkook said while crying

"I have no right to destroy you life just because of my selfishness.  You deserve someone pure like you hyungie. Not a dirty like me," jungkook said

Jungkook don't know how long he cried. His heart is hurting so much. He don't want to loss his love taehyung but he have to sacrifice his happiness, his love, his everything just for his hyungie

After crying his heart out jungkook get up from floor and sit down on bed. He thought for sometime and he get to a good decision. He know that it will hurt him or maybe taehyung too but it is good for his hyungie

At dinner time

All are sitting on dinning table when jungkook come. He looked up and saw how taehyung looking at him desperately. Jungkook again looked down and sit down beside y/n. Taehyung felt hurt when jungkook didn't sit down beside him

"Kookie today you didn't sit with tae," mrs jeon asked and kissed jungkook cheek

"I-I want to sit with n-noona," jungkook said looking down

"Strange," mrs jeon said and sit down

All started to eat their dinner. Whole time jungkook is looking down and taehyung looking at him desperately. Just wishing that for only once jungkook looked at him but that didn't happen.........jimin, y/n and mrs jeon definitely noticed that.

After 1 week

In this whole week taehyung try his best to talk to jungkook but jungkook just ignore him. Jungkook also slept before tae come to his room. He don't want to face taehyung and talk to him

Jungkook spend his whole day with y/n and now jungkook himself told everything what happened to him to
y/n. Looking at poor boy tears y/n also cried..........but after that day y/n and jungkook bond become more strong they became bast friends. once in this week IU and eunwoo also come to meet jungkook and jungkook become happy knowing that now they are couple

But with taehyung, his condition becoming more worst. He don't know what to do and how to make his bunny understand his feeling. He don't know if jungkook like him or he decided to ask jungkook tonight

Dinner time

All are having their dinner. As usual jungkook is sitting beside y/n. Taehyung eyes is on jungkook who very well know about tae stare but ignore it. On other side, jhope is also secretly looking at y/n...........jhope fall in love with y/n without anyone knowing. Jimin sometimes caught jhope looking at y/n but ignore it.

After having dinner jungkook immediately left because he can't handle taehyung continues stare on himself. It making jungkook weak

As soon as jungkook left. Taehyung also stand up and left behind jungkook.

"What happened to him," mr jeon asked looking at tae and mrs jeon shrugged his shoulder

"Kook is also behaving weird," jhope said

"Hmmm," jimin said

"I need to find out what is happening between them," jimin thought with worrideness

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