part 24

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After 1 year

This one year changed many things. In this one year y/n and jhope is married and now expecting a baby. Yoonmin is also engaged. And  soon going to marry.  Taehyung become the most famous and wanted lawyer like his brother. Every case which is his hand must be win. While jungkook take good concentrate on his studies and got first position in class which make taehyung so proud

Taekook relationship is also is on strong term. They both are madly in love with each other and countless time confess. Taehyung always come to jungkook roon at night to sleep while cudding with his bunny........Taehyung didn't take a step further except for peakung jungkook lips of lightly and soft such it gor a short period of time

He don't want to make his bunny afraid or uncomfortable. He is happy that jungkook is with him as his life partner as his fiance. He also want to marry jungkook as soon as possible but jungkook still have time to complete his degree and they decided to marry after jungkook complete hos studies

Its not easy for tae to see his cute and ethereal fiance infront of his eyes. He also have some desires to touch his baby. To show him how much he loke his bunny by his action. But he know that he have to control for the sake of his love..............taehyung again complete his promise he brings the old jungkook who always happy, cheerful, giggles, non stop talk on dinning table.

He brings back that jungkook with his care and love. Now jungkook love himself again. But which jungkook love more is taehyung.........jungkook always get blushy even a slight touch of tae. He felt like his body started to burn in sensation. Whenever tae kiss him on his lips, jungkook just refuse to look into his eyes and always run away from where is tae

Tae loved jungkook shy nature. He loved it when his baby get all blushy because of him. He felt proud

Present time

Today min couple is come to jeon house for fixing the date yoonmin marriage. Both families are so much happy. They fixed it after a 1 week. Jimin got all blushy suddenly and yoongi smirk

Taekook is sitting beside each other looking at soon to be couple with wide smile.......after dinner min family left to their house and mr and mrs jeon also left to their room

"Lets go baby. You have to sleep," tae said looking at jungkook who smile and get up from couch

"What's so hurry, its just 9:00 pm or you both have some plans to make me uncle soon," jimin said with teasing smile

Jungkook immediately looked down whee blushing hardly. And tae chocked on his saliva.he can't believe that his friend is that much shameless

"Don't worry about us, moreover, looking at your neck. I am worried that you must get pregnant before marriage," jimin said looking at the hickeys on jimin neck

Jimin immediately covered his neck with wide eyes, and y/n chuckled.

"You also dont think that I didn't saw how you kiss my kookie lips and sucking it like a candy," jimin said shamelessly

Jungkook wide his mouth and eyes. He immediately looked at tae who is glaring at jimin. Jungkook secretly looked at y/n who already looking at him with teasing smile...........this can't be more embarrassing for jungkook so he immediately run away from there with red cheeks

Taemin looked at jungkook who is running towatd his room. They both looked at each other and jimin brust into laughter. Y/n also laughed. Taehyung cheeks turn pink so he also left from there while saying to jimin

"Go to hell,"

Taehyung entered inside jungkook rpom and saw jungkook us sitting on bed covering his whole figure in sheet. He smiled at jungkook cute act and locked the door.........taehyung held one corner of sheet and also enter inside the sheet.

"Baby," taehyung whispered and jungkook looked didn't looked at him but blushed

Taehyung smiled and pulled jungkook on his lap who gasp at tae sudden action while tae controlhos moan. Jungkook hands is on tae shoulders and legs is on either sides. Jungkook butt is directly on tae main part..........tae held jungkook waist in tight hold and scan jungkook face intensely

This is the first time tae is looking at jungkook like that. Jungkook felt butterflies in his stomach.

"Beautiful," tae whispered in gaze and jungkook blushed more

" h-hyungie," jungkook whispered in his angelic voice

"Hmmm," tae said looking at jungkook lips

Before jungkook say something. Tae attached his lips with jungkook. Both closed their eyes and felt each other lips. After 2 to 3 minutes tae back away and looked at jungkook who's eyes is still closed

He felt tae kiss on his cheek. Tae kissed on jungkook forehead, cheek, nose, lips, ear. This makes jungkook hold tighten on tae shoulders...........tae started to rub his nose on jungkook ear, jaw, neck and softly kissed every part. He unknowingly started to squeeze jungkook ass

Jungkook immediately open his eyes when he felt tae hand under his pant holding his ass. Jungkook immediately back away and said with fear and teary eyes


Taehyung immediately came back to his scenes and cursed himself to so lost in his desire and forget about jungkook fear. Taehyung immediately take his hand out from jungkook pants and cupped his face and eipped his tears

"I am sorry baby. Hyungie is sorry," taehyung said in panic but jungkook immediately hugged taehyung

Tae sigh and hugged back and rubbed jungkook back to make him relax

"Don't say sorry Hyungie. You did nothing wrong. Its me who get afraid. It .e who didn't let you love me," jungkook said and tears fall from his eyes

"Don't cry bunny. I promise you I will wait till you yourself told me to touch you," tae said and kissed on jungkook hairs

Jungkook felt so much happy hearing taehyung word. Its right jungkook want time to intimate with his partner but he thought how much he is lucky to have a fiance like taehyung who prefer jungkook first before his desires

"I love you hyungie," jungkook said and kissed tae cheek

"Hyungie also love you," taehyung said with smile

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