part 12

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With jhope

Jhope is now driving toward the place where he just get some clues. Police is also behind their car. Yoongi and jhope first go to uni, after that they find that one boy took jungkook toward one van being unconscious......they also get the van number. After that they get to know where that van last spoted

Now they get to know about some abandon place. They are going toward there. Soon they reached the place, they both come out from car and looked around........there are only one abounded house in whole place, they looked around and saw there is no single man around the place........police open the door and all get inside

Police started to search. Yoongi eyes landed on jungkook clothes

"Hyung," yoongi shouted

Jhope come and saw, jungkook ripped clothes which he wear that day. Tears fall from both eyes because there is also alot of dried blood. Both curl their hands in anger

"Call the forensic search team immediately," jhope shouted

Soon the laboratory team come and started to take dry blood and many things from floor. They all left the place but one thing is conform now that this the only place where that bastard took their baby.

"Hyung I will kill them," yoongi shouted while crying

Jhope hugged yoongie with moist eyes

With jungkook

Jungkook is laying on bed, tears falling from his eyes, sob escaping from his lips..... thats when room door get knocked. He immediately wiped his tears and saw taehyung come inside with medicines

Taehyung smiled at jungkook like nothing happen before. He give jungkook his medicines and left the room while saying

"Take rest bunny,"

"I know all just pity me, they just feel bad about me...I know you all love me but am dirty," jungkook said and get up from bed but flinched when his foot touched to glass and it broke

Jungkook just looking at the pieces of broken glass. His mind is not in right state. He took one piece of glass and put it on his wrist.........more tears fall from his eyes.

"Please forgive me, I can't live with this black spot on myself. I hate myself," jungkook said while crying

Jungkook took one paper and pen and write a note on it. Tears fell from his eyes. He put the paper on nightstand and again held the piece of glass in his hand

In some seconds, there is a big cut on jungkook wrist, which started to bleed badly. Jungkook closed his eyes in pain. He curl his bloody hand to control the pain while tears falling from his eyes........he open his eyes and sit down on floor while his back is resting with bed.

His eyes started to get blurry. He feeling his soul lefting his body. His eyes lids getting heavy...........his all love one's faces started to coming into his mind. Most importantly taehyung face is infront of his eyes. He smile hurtfully and a sob escabed from his eyes

"Am sorry and goodbye, hyungie," jungkook whispered

Soon jungkook black out and his head fall down back on bed

With taehyung

Taehyung is sitting in living room with mrs jeon while talking. Soon jhope and yoongi come and tell them everything what happened today which brings tears on everyone eyes again

"I want that bastard hyung. Because of them, my bunny is in so much pain. He totally lost his self confidence. He hate himself just because of them. He thinks about himself as dirt. I swear hyung the day you will find them that will be the last day of their life," taehyung said in anger

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