part 21

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All guest left to their houses. Min couple also left to their house. Yoonmin, taekook, y/n & jhope and mr and mrs jeon is sitting on couch all tired.

"Yoongi we didn't complete the assignment which we have to submit tomorrow," jimin suddenly said and both wide there eyes

"Shit," yoongi said

"Get up we have to finish it," jimin said getting up from couch

"Ahhh I am tired," yoongi said while yawning

"You lazy cat, get up now," jimin said while glaring at yoongi

Yoongi immediately stand up and started to walk toward jimin room. Jimin smile proudly making everyone brust into giggles. Y/n  and jhope also left to their rooms

"Babies go and take rest. You both must be tired," mrs jeon said with smile

Both taekook also get up and left toward their room. They are walking beside each other. While jungkook is looking down with fast heart beat

"G-good night h-hyungie," jungkook room come and he immediately said and entered inside without looking at tae. Tae chuckled at jungkook shy behaviour and left to his room

After freshen up jungkook come out from washroom. He looked into mirror and his eyes fall on his lips. He blushed hardly when he remembered the kiss............all happy memories come to his mind which make him forget whole world. Suddenly room door knocked. Jungkook open it and saw taehyung standing there

"Can I come in," taehyung asked and jungkook nodded looking down with red cheeks

Taehyung entered inside the room and locked the door. He looked at jungkook who is still looking down.......taehyung come toward jungkook and held his chin softly. Both eyes meet and blush again come into jungkook cheek

"Why are you blushing so much," tae asked with teasing smile

Jungkook shyly whined at tae tease. Tae smiled at his cute baby

"Can I sleep with my beautiful fiance tonight," taehyung asked and jungkook nodded with red face

He felt so much shy when taehyung called him fiance. Suddenly taehyung carry jungkook bridal style and make him lay on bed and hovers over him......... taehyung started to caress jungkook cheek softly looking into his eyes. Both heart was beating at high speed

"You know that I am so happy today, today my dreams come true. I always dreams you as mine and today the ringe in your finger is saying that you are soon to be kim, kim jungkook" tae said with smile and jungkook blushed breathing heavily

Tae looked at jungkook every feature closely while jungkook just let him. He love the feeling of taehyung above him. Its making him relax. Taehyung smile and hugged jungkook tightly.......he rolled on the bed with jungkook and both giggled. Now jungkook body is on taehyung which making jungkook blush

"You are mine bunny, only mine," tae said and peak jungkook cheeks

"Only your hyungie," jungkook whispered shyly and taehyung peak his nose

Taehyung make jungkook lay down on bed properly and hugged him tightly. Both hide their face in each other neck........... jungkook felt shiver smelling tae manly scent. While taehyung is already addicted to his bunny fragrance

They slept in each other arms happily after many sleepless nights.

Next day

Taehyung woke up and saw the most beautiful sight of jungkook laying on his chest hugging him. Taehyung arm are also around jungkook pretty waist. Tae looked at jungkook and get lost in his fiance beauty............jungkook slowly open his eyes and the first thing he saw that taehyung looking at him which make him blushed

"Ahhh baby your this blushy face inspired me to eat you whole," taehyung said and jungkook blushed more hard

"Good morning my love," taehyung said pulling jungkook more close

"G-good morning hyungie," jungkook said with smile

Taehyung hand caressed jungkook back which make his heart beat increased. Jungkook looked into tae eyes and tae started to lean in. There lips was about to touch. But both flinched when door knocked

"Kook get up, breakfast is ready baby," jimin said while knocking on the door

Taehyung groan and jungkook said

"I am up hyung,"

Jungkook get up from bed and left to washroom. Tae again lay down on bed and looked at his ring fingure with crazy smile. He still can't believe that jungkook himself made him wear this ring. He is engaged with his love

Jungkook come out and told

"Get up hyungie,"

"Ok my love," taehyung said and also left

Both come downstairs and sit down on dinning table. All smile teasingly at jungkook who just looked down while blushing.

"Mom I saw last night this tiger slept in our kookie room," jimin said and jungkook wide his eyes

"So what he is mine I can sleep with him, and what about you, you are not engaged with yoongi and still sleep with him," taehyung said looking at jimin

"You idiot, he is my friend," jimin shouted but regret when jungkook flinched

"Are you ok baby," taehyung immediately turned toward jungkook

"I am fine hyungie," jungkook said with smile

They eat their breakfast happily and all left to their work. Today taehyung also going to work which make jungkook sad. Jungkook is sitting on bed pouting.........taehyung entered in jungkook room to said good bye but smile looking at him

He come toward jungkook and sit down infront of him

"Why my baby is pouting," taehyung asked

"I am gonna miss you whole day," jungkook said and tae chuckled

"Then let me give you a beautiful kiss that you will whole day blush remembering it," taehyung said with smirk and jungkook blush just even the name of kiss

Taehyung started to lean toward jungkook lips and jungkook closed his eyes. Taehyung took jungkook bottom lips and softly give a suck on his bottom lip and left jungkook lips...........jungkook sitting on bed in shock. He think that tae will going to peak his lips but what tae did make his heart beat increased

Tae smirk looking at jungkook reaction and peak jungkook cheek and left the room........jungkook caressed his bottom lip with his fingers  and blushed madly

"Aghhh," jungkook whined and hide his face in his hands

"He is making me crazy," jungkook said while blushing

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