part 10

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Next day

Today doctor are discharging jungkook from hospital. Everyone is so happy that now they can take their baby back home. Jungkook is just silent and emotionless as always. All come into jungkook room which make the boy uneasy

"My baby let's go home," mrs jeon said and kissed on jk forehead

"Kookie please talk to us," mr jeon said but get no response

"Baby your chim hyung want yo hear his angel voice," jimin said controling his tears

"Little one," yoongi called but no response

Jungkook just looking down feeling uncomfortable getting go much attention. Its not new that everyone treating him like that but after that incident he don't want anyone to look at him. He feel like a trash but as taehyung warn him he didn't said it now. But the feeling is still there

"Bunny," as soon as taehyung called jungkook

He looked up and tears fall form in his eyes. Looking at many hopeful eyes looking at him

"Am sorry," jungkook whispered and tears slipped from his eyes

"Oh my kookie why are you sorry," jeon couple said and softly hug the boy

Taehyung smile when he saw jungkook didn't pushed anyone and didn't get panic. Only if he know jungkook feeling his breath uneasy......soon both back away and said

"Do you want to go home," mrs jeon asked with teary eyes and jungkook just nodded

All smile sadly looking at jungkook.

"Taetae hyungie," jungkook whispered and taehyung sit down beside jungkook

"Ok bunny let's go," taehyung said and carry the little innocent boy in bridal style

Jungkook don't want to see anyone so he hide his face in taehyung neck and closed his eyes. Taehyung can feel wet on his shirt so he pull the boy more closer. All left toward jeon mansion.

Taehyung get out from car jungkook still in his arms. He take jungkook to his room and finally jungkook come out from taehyung neck. Taehyung softly put jungkook on bed and removed his shoes. He removed the heavy coat which is on jungkook slim figure and said

"You sit here, I will be back,"

Taehyung left toward washroom and come back with warm water and a piece of cloth. He bend down on his knee infront of jungkook and carefully started to wipe jungkook face, neck, hands etc.......jungkook just looking at taehyung with teary eyes. Jungkook immediately looked down when he feel taehyung about to look at him

"Bunny are you crying," tae put the fingure under jungkook chin and made him look up

Jungkook shook his head and taehyung sigh.

"You need rest bunny, sleep ok," taehyung smiled and kissed on jungkook forehead

Jungkook lay down on bed after tae left
While thinking

"I am the only reason of everyone tears. If I didn't go to backyard that day this will not happen to me. I make my parents head low. Now everyone said bad to my mom dad hyungs. They must be ashamed on me. Why I went to see who want to meet me." Jungkook thought while tears continously fall from his eyes

"They make me dirty. They touch me badly. They are bad. I hate them," jungkook thought and tears fall from hus eyes

"I don't want to live now. My whole life is destroyed. They destroyed my happiness. Noone want to marry me after knowing what happen with me. After knowing now am not pure who will accept me. My life is destroyed," jungkook said while sobbing

Jungkook slowly gets up from bed and walks on the balcony. He looked down and saw the distance between. He gulp at the high distance

"Will I die if I jump from here," jungkook thought, looking down

Jungkook is deeply in his thoughts that didn't hear any voice who called him. He flinched badly when someone pull him back. He panically looked up and saw its taehyung with worried face

"Bunny what are you doing here," taehyung asked in panic

"I j-just come for some f-fresh air," jungkook said looking down

"Its not good for you to walk bunny, please take good rest," taehyung said carrying jungkook and make him lay down on bed

After jungkook make having his dinner, he gave jungkook medicines and make him sleep. Taehyung himself lay down on couch looking at jungkook

"I know you lie to me bunny, I know you trying to end your life but believe me I will never let this happen," taehyung thought and a tear slip from his eyes

Soon taehyung also slept. Only soft snores could be hear in the room.........jungkook is sleeping that's when he started to mumble in his sleep

"N-no l-leave me," jungkook whispered

"I b-beg you please," jungkook tears started to flow from his eyes

"N-no ahhhh h-hurting," jungkook screamed and taehyung jolt up from his sleep

He looked at jungkook who is crying and pushing noone in his sleep while begging to leave him. This make taehyung heart broke into pieces. He come back to earth when he hear jungkook screamed. Taehyung come toward jungkook and started to pat his cheeks

"Bunny open your eyes, look at me,"

"No n-no leave m-me,"

"Kook wake up baby,"

"Ahhh ahhh its hurting,"

"Bunny," taehyung shouted and jungkook immediately open his eyes

As soon as he saw taehyung infront of his eyes. He immediately hugged him while crying badly

"T-thank god h-hyungie you come o-on time. They are to-touching me. They making me d-dirty hyungie. Taetae hyung please save me," jungkook said while crying badly

Hearing jungkook words tears slipped from taehyung eyes also. He hugged his bunny tightly.

"Who are they bunny. Tell me who trying to touch you," taehyung asked in hope

"Th-those three m-monsters. They are bad hyungie," jungkook said while crying

"You know them bunny, tell hyungie," tae asked caressing jk back

Taehyung didn't asked further when he get no reply because he could feel jungkook breath becoming slow. He just hugged the boy and made him calm down. Soon, taehyung heard soft snores from jungkook lips. He sighed and made jungkook lay down on bed and covered his body with sheet

"They are three who did that with you, bunny I will going to kill them. Just get well soon. My love" taehyung said cleanched his jaw in anger and kissed on jungkook cheek

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