part 25

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Today jungkook is graduated. He is so much happy. All family is so much happy for their little baby. They praised jungkook so much...........All family is now sitting on couch. Taehyung is looking at his bunny who is now playing with y/n and jhope's one year old baby.

Jungkook is plying and giggled loudly when baby smile. All are looking at happy jungkook. They are admiring their baby........mrs jeon get up and sit down beside tae and hugged him. Tae slso hugged her back in confusion.  She broke the hug and cupped tae face

"Thank you for bringing my baby back to happiness. Its all your belief and love that jungkook gives new life," mrs jeon said and tse smile

"I gove myself new life because with jungkook there is no taehyung," tae said and mrs jeon kissed his forehead

"Mom I want to marry my bunny," tae said loudly and  jungkook movement all stops

He looked at taehyung with wide shocked eyes but soon looked down with blushy cheeks

"As you both wish baby," mr jeon said with smile

The next day, all gathered and arranged the date of taekook marriage.Taekook is so much happy. They secretly looking at each other while sitting between all.

"Ok what about after a month," mr jeon said

Taehyung wide his eyes and immediately said

"Not that long appa,"

All laughed at desperate tae and jungkook blushed more. Tae also felt embarrassed and looked down while biting his lips

"Ok if tae want so their marriage will be fixed after 2 weeks. Arranged everything jhope and yoongi. Make sure that there nothing left. My taekook wedding will be the bestest wedding in world," mr jeon said with wide smile

All cheer happily. They all congratulations taekook. Jimin and y/n teasing jungkook who is looking like a tomato. Taehyung love this sight of his lover. Taehyung eyes is only stuck on his soon to be husband

"But where tae will live all that time before marriage," jimin suddenly asked

"What do you mean," tae asked in confusion

"Did you forget my friend. In our family it ritual. Before marriage you can't meet your partner," jimin said with smirk and tae wide his eyes

He literally forget that but no way he will stay away from his bunny

"No I will not going to follow it," ytae said stranly

"What special in you that you will jot going to follow thar. Jhope hyung and yoongi also didn't meet y/n noona nad me before marriage. And at that time you were very happy and tease us whole time. Now your time come and you said you will not follow," jimin said glaring at tae

All looked at jimin with wide eyes who just rapped at his friend in one go.

"I don't know anything but I will not do," taehyung said

"Mom look at him," jimi  said

"No mom say him that you are side," tae said to mrs jeon

Mrs jeon smile when she saw how both are fighting

"Son its ritual so you also have to follow it," mrs jeon said with apologetic smile

"Mom noo please," tae whine like baby

All laughed when jimin started to dance. Taehyung whine. He don't want to leave his baby. How he will live a single second without his baby.......but he also have to obey elders. Taehyung glare at jimin

"From now on you are my enemy," tae said with pout

Before anyone said anything jungkook brust into laughter. All time jungkook just try to control his laugh but now he can't when he saw tae is whining......All smiled widely looking at jungkook. Soon jungkook control himself

"Hyungie you are acting like a kid," jungkook said looking at taehyung and all laughed

"What can I do when you make me addicted to you this much that I can't take a single breath without you," taehyung said and smirk when he saw how jungkook blushed

"Stop your flirting with my innocent baby. And till you both married you are going to live in our mansion. Right yoongi," jimin said and yoongi smirk

"You are right baby. Now its our time kim taehyung," yoongi said with smirk

When yoonmin is going to marry. Tae teased them both very much. He always tell mrs jeon if yoongi try to meet jungkook. Its looking like karma come infront of taehyung

That night tae didn't let jungkook leave even for a second. He hugged jungkook closed to his heart

Time skip

Now only one week left in taekook wedding. All shoppings are done. Taekook both even selected their wedding dresses but didn't let other to see. They want to see other reaction when he wear his wedding dress on wedding.................  Now tae have to left to min mansion. He is upset but plan to trick mrs jeon

Jimin packed tae clothes and waiting for tae to stop his drama. Tae is knee infront of mrs jeon and giving his puppy eyes to her to make jimin stop. she smiled and a hope come to tae

"You need to go bear," mrs jeon said and tae pouted and immediately stand up

"You all are so heartless. You all separating two lover. God will not forgive you all," taehyung said and jhope just control his laugh

"Stop your drama and let's go," jimin said rolling his eyes

Tae looked at jungkook who is also looking at him with teary eyes which till now no one noticed. He immediately become panic and said

"Bunny," all looked at jungkook who immediately run and hugged tae tightly

"Don't leave me hyungie," jungkook said

All become shocked looking at jungkook reaction. Taehyung wide his eyes when he hear what jungkook said.They really didn't expected that. They just want to tease the couple.

"I am not leaving you my bunny," taehyung said and kissed on jungkook hairs

After sometime jungkook back away and looked into tae eyes

"Please don't go," jungkook said and all sigh

"Baby its ritual," jimin said while caressing jungkook hair

"I don't like this ritual who is separating my hyungie with me," jungkook said with pout and all cooed at cute baby

"Come with me for a minute," jimin said and dragged jungkook with him

Tae looked at them with confused face. He saw jimin is telling something to jungkook at which jungkook smiled shyly and nodding. After sometime both come back

"Go hyungie. Jimin hyung will take care of you," jungkook said with shy smile

Taehyung wide his eyes looking at his baby mood swings. He saw how jimin smirk at his reaction and with a pout he left with yoonmin rhinking what would jimin tell to make his baby agree

Meanwhile when jimin took jungkook with him

"Baby you want to see how much your husband love you," jimin asked

Jungkook shyly nodded

"Then you have you make him let go with us. You know very well that he can't sleep without you. He will definitely come in night," jimin said and jungkook blushed

"Really," jungkook asked in surprise

"Even yoongi also come in mid nights to meet me in my room and I am telling that deeling was the most tingled feeling," jimin said with dreamy smile

"I also want to experience that feeling hyung," jungkook said with shy smile

"Then let tae go with us" jimin said

"Ok hyung," jungkook agreed

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