part 23

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The whole family insisted jungkook to again start his studies. Jungkook did like the idea first. He didn't want it . He just wants to live in his house, which is the most safest place for him. He just wants to be near his family

But tae makes him agree, and today is the first day of jungkook after the incident. He is going to the same university and same class. IU told jungkook that the whole university knew what happened with him, but all supported him and hated those bastard

Jungkook all family asked if he wanted to change university, but he said he wanted to go to the same jungkook is in his room all ready. He is so nervous and afraid.

Taehyung came inside the jungkook room but saw the jungkook lost in his thoughts while biting his lips. Tae closed the door and came toward him and sit infront on him........jungkook immediately came out of his world and looked at tae with fear

"Are you afraid, my love," tae asked with concern

"I will be alright if I go hyungie. Nothing will happen to me," jungkook asked and held tae hand tightly in fear

Taehyung softly smiled and sat down beside jungkook. He kissed on jungkook hand and said

"I promise kookie. This time, nothing will going to happen to you. This time, your hyungie is with you. When I am here, you have to not fear anything........And you also have namjoon hyung, Eunwoo, and IU. We all will orotect you, my bunny," taehyung said, looking into jungkook eyes deeply

Taehyung word make jungkook heart relax. He is relaxed thinking that he has a lot of people who love him and are ready to protect him.............jungkook smiled and hugged taehyung tightly, who smiled and hugged his whole world in his arm

Taekook left from the jeon mansion. Now jungkook is relaxed. But not so long, when jungkook saw his university and came out from the car. He saw how everyone was looking at him with a soft, sad smile. He felt so low, but taehyung held his waist and kissed on his cheek...........after 6 months jungkook came to his university

"Go baby and ruled on world," taehyung said with, and jungkook hugged him

"I will miss you," jungkook whispered in taehyung chest

"I also will miss you," taehyung said with a smile

Taehyung always felt so happy whenever jungkook confessed how much he missed his presence when tae was not around. His heart is now relaxed , and his bunny is in his arm.

"Pretty boy," IU shouted, and jungkook flinched in tae hold

But smiled and back away from the hug and looked at his friend. He saw IU and Eunwoo coming toward them. IU is literally running. Soon, jungkook found himself in IU arms...........he slowly hugged back withsoft smile. After greeting eunwoo, they enter inside the university. Tae also left to his work

Jungkook is looking down while walking beside IU. They both entered inside the class but flinched when all shouted

"Welcome back, bunny boy,"

Jungkook immediately looked up and smiled softly when he saw how everyone  was smiling at him. He bowed and thanked all and sat down on his chair and IU sat down beside by one his all classmates came and asked jungkook about whether he was fine or if he is fine or is he comfortable. If he wanted something.....jungkook loved their care toward him. Tears from in his eyes seeing how everyone is treating him like a soft feather

"Thank you guys," jungkook said, and all higged him

The whole class is in a group hug when the class door gets opened and the namjoon comes inside. He smiles at his lovely students

"Good morning, everyone," namjoon said with a smile

All class back away from jungkook and IU and let them breathe. Namjoon smiled when he saw they all were hugging jungkook. Jungkook looked at namjoon and smiled

"Welcome back, bunny. How are you," namjoon asked with his dimple smile

"I am fine, hyung, thank you," jungkook said with a smile

Namjoon told jungkook to call him hyung.

All sit down on their sits, and namjoon started the call. He told the call to provide jungkook all notes so that he could prepare for exams. Their is a lot of work on jungkook shoulders now. He has to study hard and of course he will do that

Jungkook whole day went smoothly. Honestly he is happy that he decide to come same university because every person treating jungkook to softly and protecting him like he is the most fragile on world........IU and eunwoo is like bodyguard of jungkook which make jungkook giggled many times

Jungkook comr back home with yoonmin. He noticed that something was going on between his hyungs because jimin was blushing and yoongi was smirking at him whole ride. This is because in university, someone flirts with jimin in front of yoongi, which makes yoongi jealous. So yoongi just dragged jimin in restoom, and after looking at the door

He attached his lips with jimin and started to kiss him hungrily. While kissing, yoongi inserted his hand in jimin Pants, who wide his eyes, and before jimin did something or broke the kiss, yoongi direct three fingers were in jimin hole which make him screamed

Yoongi pushed jimin on the counter and finger him harshly while saying that

"You are only mine,"

Yoongi again attached his lips with jimin, who is moaning at the pleasure of yoongi fingers.

"Ammmmm," jimin moaned in yoongi mouth

Yoongi broke the kiss and said

"Babyboy say that you are mine," yoongi said in his deep voice

"I a-am only y-yours," jimin said looking into yoongi eyes controlling his moans

"Good boy"

This brings a smirk on yoongi lips. Suddenly he remembered jimin words "You have to make efforts from hear that back from me"............ a wide smirk come to yoongi lips

"Now said you love me," yoongi said with smirk and jimin wide his eyes

"I will not going to ahhhhh," before jimin denial

Yoongi started to scissor his fingers in jimin whole and thrust his fingers more harder.

"Say babyboy," yoongi said in a warning tone

Jimin have no choice except to do as yoongi said

"I love you yoongi," jimin said while blushing and yoongi smirk

"I too love you jimin," yoongi said with smile

Both attached their lips into a deep passionate kiss. Yoongi take off jimin pants and give his hand more access to thrust harder in jimin. Jimi legs started to shake. He held yoongi hand to stop a bit but it only make him increase the speed............jimin cum with a loud moan and suga smirked

"Love to see your first climex. Just only with my fingers," yoongi said with smirk and jimin blushed

"Shut up you pervert," jimin said and blushed

Yoongi cleaned jimin and make him wear his clothes. He wiped all tears from jimin etes and fixed his messed hair. Jimin.loved yoongi carring behaviour toward him. He pulled yoongi by collar and attached their lips

"I love you," jimin said with shy smile

"I love you more," yoongi said and attached their forehead

After reaching home, jimin directly ran to his room to hide his red face. Mrs jeon ran toward jungkook and asked about his day. If he is fine or will anyone make him uncomfortable

Looking at his mom concern. Jungkook smiled which bring smile on mrs jeon lips also. He hugged his mom tightly and kissed her cheeks. Mrs jeon also kissed his little baby cheeks...........mrs jeon make jungkook eat his lunch and a jungkook left to his room

"Thank god my baby is coming back to himself again," mrs jeon thouth with teary eyes

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