part 4

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After lunch break is over jungkook and IU left from cafeteria toward their next class. Those eyes also travel with jungkook to the exit of cafeteria. There is four boys sitting on table. Three eyes is on jungkook while one is busy reading and eating

"Who is that boy?," one asked

"I don't know, I also saw him now," other said

"But one thing is sure, he is fucking hot and sexy. Did you all saw his curves," another said

"You are right, he is a hot meal," first one said licking his lips

"I think he is fresher," third one said

"I was thinking how will he look under me," second one said

"Shut up you all and let's go, our class is going to start," one said glaring at all

"Boring," first one said

"Bogum, kai, jack, get up right now,"

"Relax eunwoo," bogum said

"Let's bunk this class, this boring kim make my head hurt," kai said

"Yeah you are right kai," bogum said

"No get up I will not going to bunk, today class is important," eunwoo said

"Then you take the class and after that also give us the notes," jack said and other two nodded

"You guys are unbelievable," eunwoo said and left from there

"Why he always so much hyper," kai said

"Leave him now you both go and gather the information about that boy, I am at our usual place waiting for you guys," bogum said with smirk and other two also smirk

They also left, after an hour kai and jack come back stelling the information about jungkook from university data

University timing is off, jungkook is sitting in garden waiting for yoonmin to pick him up. IU already went home, she said she will stay till somone come to pick jungkook up but jungkook said he is ok and tell her to not make anyone wait.

Jk is looking around with doe eyes and little smile, he is feeling so good. His all day went amazing. He silent session broke when he hear

"Hello boy,"

Jungkook looked up and saw four boys standing there

"H-hello," jungkook said and stand up

"Are you fresher," one of them asked and jungkook nodded hesitantly

"Oh don't worry boy. We will not going to do anything with you, we are just passing by. Then saw you sitting here alone so thought to talk to you," one of them said

"By the way, am bogum. I am in last year," he said and forward his hand

Jungkook bow and bogum took his hand back clenched his jaw

"Am kai,"

"Am jack,"

"And am eunwoo," jk smiled at his warm voice

Jungkook bow and said politely

"Am jungkook, first semester,"

"Nice to meet you jungkook," eunwoo said and jungkook smiled

Before they talk further. jungkook saw yoongi car he smiled and looked at four of them.

"Ok bye hyungs, my hyung is here to pick me up," jungkook said and run away taking his bag

Eunwoo smiled looking at cute boy, his heart flip when he saw jungkook. He looked at jungkook when bogum said

"Lets go to meet that boy who is sitting there,"

As soon as eunwoo saw jungkook his heart beat fast. When he hear the beautiful boy soothing voice he heart beat more fast. When jungkook smiled toward him he feel like going to faint.......eunwoo still looking at the direction where jungkook is running with loved eyes

While other three looking at him with lust and dirty eyes

With jungkook

He sit down in the car and smile widely, 

"Hello hyung," jungkook said cheerfully

"Hello little one/baby," yoonmin said at same time

"I think my baby's first day went very well," jimin said looking at happy jungkook

"Yes chim hyung," jungkook said with bunny smile

"You know hyung I make new friend today. Her name is IU. She is a good girl. You know what she called me," jungkook asked

"What," yoonmin asked

"She called me pretty boy," jungkook said with blush

"She said the truth," yoogmin said

"Ahh hyung," jungkook whined

Jungkook told everything single thing which happened today. When the get home jungkook told same story to his mom. Yoongi and jimin left to jimin room to complete their assessment..........after telling his whole story jungkook left to his room. He called taehyung who didn't pick up the call. Jungkook pouted and lay down on bed.his sleep broke when he hear his mobile ringed. Looking at taehyung he immediately pick up the call

"Hello bunny sorry I didn't saw your call, my mobile was silent," taehyung said

"Its ok hyungie I know you are busy," jungkook said with smile

"So how was your first day," taehyung asked

And jungkook again told him the same story, taehyung hear every word of his love carefully. He smile when jungkook giggled.

"Thats good," taehyung said hearing jungkook story

"Hyungie when will you come back," jungkook asked with pout

"After my exams finished, I will be back," taehyung said

"I miss you hyungie," jungkook said biting his lips

Taehyung heart skip to beat hearing this from jungkook mouth

"I too miss you bunny," taehyung said

"Bunny listen to me, maybe I will not able to call you for almost one week. So please don't be sad if I didn't call you back. Eat properlyand sleep properly," taehyung said with concern

Because when taehyung first semester exam come and he didn't called jungkook. Jungkook cried alot and refuse to eat anything saying that his hyungie forget him. After that every time taehyung already warn jungkook

"Ok my tiger hyungie," jungkook said while giggling and taehyung smiled

"Ok bye my bunny, now I need to study," taehyung said

"Bye hyungie take care and best of luck," jungkook said and cut the call

Jimin called jungkook for dinner and jungkook left downstairs having his dinner with his family

"How my kooie first day went," mr jeon asked

And again with the same story. Still all hear like if they are hearing it first time. Jungkook giggle many time. As mrs jeon insist yoongie had his dinner with them. Yoongi secretly looking at jimin and smiled when saw jimin eating with pout

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