part 7

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Jhope pick up the phone before he said something taehyung asked him many questions

"Hyung jungkook is not picking up my phone, his phone is switched off. Not jimin and uncle anti picking up. I even called on landline. No one receiving my call. Is everything ok,"

"Tae listen to me first," jhope said with seriousness

"What happened hyung, where are you. Why your voice is so serious. Please say something," taehyung said desperately

"We all are SNM hospital," jhope said

"Hospital. Why what happened," taehyung asked with worrideness

"Jungkook is not ok taehyung, if you can please come back hurriedly," jhope said and a tear slip from his eyes

"What," tae feel like his heart stop beating hearing what jhope said

"I am coming hyung," taehyung said and immediately cut the call

He called for cab. Soon cab come taehyung told him to take him SNM hospital

What happened to you baby, please be safe your taetae hyungi is coming," taehyung thought

Soon taehyung reached the hospital. He immediately run inside the hospital. From reception he asked about jungkook who tell him. This name patient is in ICU. Taehyung immediately left toward ICU

As soon as he reached there he saw all are sitting there while crying. Taehyung looked at jhope

"Hyung," taehyung shouted

All looked at taehyung with wide eyes. He run toward jhope and held his hand while asking

"What happened to my bunny," taehyung said trying to caught his breath

"How you come this fast," jhope asked in confusion

"Leave it hyung tell me about jungkook," taehyung asked desperately

Jhope sigh and make taehyung sit down, he give taehyung water to calm down. He sit down beside taehyung

"What are you hiding hyung, why you all are silent, tell me please," taehyung said

"Jungkook has been rapped," jhope said directly anf tae felt like his world stopped

R-rapped," taehyung repeat can't believed on his ears

"Yes, he has been gang rapped," jhope said and tears slipped from taehyung eyes

"How hyung," tae asked

Jhope tell taehyung everything. After hearing everything taehyung hide his face in his palm. He wiped his tears and said

"I want to see him hyung," taehyung said controlling his emotions and jin nodded

Jin took taehyung inside the ICU room and he himself come out. With heavy heart taehyung come toward jungkook but he wide is eyes and more tears started to flow from his eyes looking at jungkook condition. Taehyung come toward jungkook and sit down beside him

Jungkook is badly bruised. His whole body is in very bad condition. He is looking so pale. His pink lips is now chapped and badly injured. Looking at jungkook tears started to flow from taehyung eyes like a river

"Bunny you b-broke your promise. You promise me that you will take care of you," taehyung said while crying

"Get up and tell your hyungie who did this to you bunny. I promise you I will not leave that bastard alive. They hurt my bunny I will kill them," Taehyung said and lean down and kissed on jungkook forehead while crying

Taehyung caressed jungkook whole face softly while crying. Taehyung hold jungkook hand and put his head on jungkook bed. Soon sleep took over him also. Jimin come inside to take taehyung but he sigh when saw taehyung is sleeping. He come toward them and wipped taehyung tears

Jimin come toward jungkook and kissed in his forehead carefully and left the room with teary eyes.

Next morning

Taehyung get up and saw jungkook is still unconscious. His eyes again filled with tears. He want to hear his bunny voice. He want to see his bunny smile. He want to see his bunny pout. He want to see his cheerful behaviour

Taehyung come out from the room and looked at everyone. Mrs min is sleeping in his husband arms. Jimin is sleeping in yoongi arms. Mr jeon and jhope is wide awake. He signal jhope who walk behind him. Mr jeon also get up and after looking at his son he left toward his wife room with teary eyes

With taehope

"I want to punish them hyung," taehyung said in anger

"What do you thing I will let them go that easily, they touched my little brother," jhope said greeted his teeth

"I will help you in everything hyung" taehyung said with fired eyes

"First we need to see university cameras, because jungkook is there last time," jhope said and taehyung nodded

They are planning how to find that bustards. Thats when jhope phone ringed. He saw its jimin call

"Hello hyung kookie get his conscious," jimin said

"What, we are coming," jhope said and cut the call

"Kookie get his conscious," jhope tell taehyung and both immediately run inside

As soon as they entered they hears jungkook shouts and cries, they entered inside and what they saw broke their hearts.............jimin, mr jeon and yoongi trying to come close to Jungkook while jungkook shouting with closed eyes

"No P-please L-le-leave m-me, d-don't c-come c-close,"

Jungkook try to sit down but he screamed in pain


"B-baby look I am chim hyung, P-please look at me baby," jimin said while crying

"N-no do-dont c-come c-close," jungkook again shouted

"Kookie," mr jeon softly called

"Little one look at me am your cat hyung," yoongi said while took step toward jungkook

"Ahhhhh ahhhh n-no no g-go away," jungkook shouted

Jungkook breath started to get uneven and soon he again become unconscious, all cried looking at jungkook who is laying on bed like a lifeless person. Jin come toward jungkook and covered his bottom properly. He tell everyone to wait outside. Jhope held crying mr jeon and take him outside. Yoongi took crying jimin outside. Mr and mrs min come outside while crying........taehyung still standing there frozed. What he saw just now his mind can't accept. What if his bunny also didn't recognize him. What will he do then

Taehyung with slow steps come toward jungkook and sit down on stool. Before nurse say something. Jin signal her to not say anything. Taehyung took the tissue and carefully started to wipe all tears from jungkook face while his tears is flowing like river

Jin put his hand on taehyung shoulder and tae looked at jin. He suddenly hugged jin waist and started to cry hardly

"You know hyung I love him, how I bear his pain. He is in so much pain hyung that making my heart ripped," taehyung said while crying

"You have to be strong for your love tae, he need you, you have to be his strength, you are the only one who can take him back to his usual life again, make him believe in himself again tae, love him that much that he forget all this bitter incident," jin said stroking tae hair

"How will I do that," taehyung said while crying

Jin sigh and just hugged taehyung, namjoon looking at them with teary eyes, he know that tae love his bunny so much but didn't able to see who is his bunny....but after knowing who is his bunny he is feeling so bad

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