part 9

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After 1 weak

Now, jungkook internal injuries are much recovered. Now he can able to sit by himself. Still it is painful. But the thing to worry is, He become silent after he hugged taehyung that day. After that day he become totally silent. He didn't eat properly everyone try but he still refuse to eat more than two to three bites

He always cry while having nightmares and all the times he rubbed his skin feeling disgusting. Taehyung is the only one who can stop him and make him calm down. Even taehyung is the one who makes jungkook eat. Jungkook only let taehyung to touch him. Taehyung didn't ask about that to jungkook nor jungkook said something

Now jungkook is sitting on bed looking at his wrist which is also have scratchers of that monsters. Tears fall from jungkook eyes looking at that. All memories of that horrible day come into jungkook mind like a bullet train

He hide his face in between his knees while crying. Taehyung slowly open the door and saw his bunny crying. With heavy heart he enter inside the room and slowly strok jungkook hair. Jungkook flinched badly and immediately back away from touch with horrified face but seeing taehyung he become little bit relax

"Why my bunny is crying, are you hurting somewhere," taehyung softly asked and more tears fell from jungkook eyes

He fowrad his shaky hands toward taehyung but stop in middle and before he take back his hand taehyung held his hand. Jungkook wide his eyes and pull back his hand

"No hyungie dont touch me, you know am dirty now, am disgusting," jungkook said with closed eyes and more tears slipped from his eyes

Taehyung held jungkook face in his large hand and make jungkook look at him

"If you again use those disgusting words for yourself, bunny I will go back to America and will never come back," taehyung threatened and jungkook wide his eyes while shooking his head

"Do you want me to be your side," taehyung asked and jungkook nodded while crying

"Than don't use that words again. Its hurt your taetae hyungie," taehyung said hugging the boy

After sometime taehyung back away and said

"Let's eat something," taehyung said

"I d-don't want to," jungkook whispered

"Please bunny I am so hungry," taehyung said with fake pout

"Y-you also didn't eat," jungkook asked with wide eyes

"How can I when my bunny didn't eat anything," taehyung said and jungkook just looked down with teary eyes

Taehyung take their lunch from jin and come back. He sit down on bed infront of jungkook and filled the spoon of soup. He blow it and forward it infront of jungkook lips who silently drinks it. Taehyung smiled and again filled the spoon and forward it toward jungkook who again drink it

Taekook had their lunch together. After giving medicines to jungkook and make him sleep. Taehyung come out of room. He sit down on chair while controlling his tears. Jimin sit down beside him and put his hand on taehyung shoulder. Taehyung immediately hugged jimin

"Its so difficult chim, I can't see him like that," taehyung said while crying

"I know tae, I know," jimin said while crying

They are crying when someone called jimin. Both looked back and the boy come toward jimin while taehyung looked at the boy and girl confusedly

"Why jungkook is in hospital jimin," the boy asked

"How do you get to know," jimin asked wiping his tears

"Mr kim tell me," the boy said in worrideness

"But who are you both," taehyung asked

"Am eunwoo, jungkook senior and friend and she is jungkook class fellow and friends IU," eunwoo said

"Please tell us what happened to my pretty boy," IU asked with teary eyes

Jimin make both of them sit down and tell them everything, every word is just like a bomb for both of them. They never think that someone will do that horrible thing with this innocent soul

"Can we see him," eunwoo asked with teary eyes

"Hmm," taehyung hmmed

Taehyung took eunwoo and IU inside the room. More tears fall from their eyes seeing the boy condition. They silently come out from the room holding back their sobs

"I promise to help you in everything which you will need me," eunwoo said wipping his tears

"We will not let them go easily. Who did that with my pretty boy," IU said while crying

After that both left the place

In park mansion

all three bastards are sitting together while talking rubbish about our innocent bunny

"guys I can't get over him," bogum said with smirk

"you are right, his sexy body just coming infront of my eyes," kai said

"but I didn't saw him university this whole week," jack said

"this is making me more impatient," bogum said with smirk

suddenly they hear mr park shout. bogum become afraid hearing his father shout. three of them immediately stand up from couch. mr park come and stand infront of bogum with angry eyes

"y-yes d-dad," bogum whispered

but a hard slap landed on bogum face. all wide their eyes

"you always make me ashamed infront of everyone," mr park shouted

"you useless brat, how many times I have to tell you to behave yourself, last night you fuck a girl, do you even know who daughter is she," mr park shouted

"n-no," bogum said looking down

"she is my important business partner daughter, now he want to marry her daughter with you. and I have have no choice other than to agree," mr park said looking at his son angrily

"B-but dad," bogum whispered

"Just shut up. They even have video about that. They trap your horny ass. Just get ready to marry her," mr park said

"But she is a sult dad," bogum said

"Then what you are a fucking horny bastard who just want to fucking around and use your dad money to spent on youe these useless friends," me park said angrily

"You cteate this mess and you have to cover it up," mr park said and left from there

bogum angrily left the mansion, kai jack looked at each other and left behind bogum

mr park is so much strict but nice person. he always want a son who make him feel proud but bogum always make him ashamed infront of everyone. mr park always try to make his son understand what is right and what is wrong. but as time passed bogum become park like eunwoo so much, he always want a child like eunwoo

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