part 16

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After 2 week

Jungkook is better now. He almost keep silent but he go to dinning table to have his breakfast, lunch and dinner with all. All are so much happy. Taehyung once try shifted to the other room beside jungkook, He don't want to make jungkook uncomfortable but jungkook didn't let him by say he is not uncomfortable when tae is around him.....this make tae smile crazily

In this two week they hire a psycytrist which jin suggest them. Her name is y/n She is a kind and sweet girl. Jungkook liked her so much. They become friends in some days........she didn't let jungkook know that she is a doctor. They all said that she is jin friend

Now y/n and jungkook is sitting in garden talikng

"Jungkook what you like, I mean what is your hobbies," y/n asked with smile

"I like to drawing, crafting," jungkook said with soft smile

"Wow that good, you know I also like painting will you paint for me," y/n asked in excitement

Jungkook smile softly and nodded at her. Who hugged jungkook with smile....they are talking when y/n decide to asked

"Jungkook I saw jimin is going to university today. You didn't go why," she asked but she saw fear on jungkook face

So she immediately changed the topic

"Forget it, By the way do you like someone," y/n asked with teasing smile and jungkook blushed and immediately looked down

Unknowingly taehyung face come to jungkook mind. He recall how tae took  care him. How he treat him softy. He like it all..........jungkook smiled shyly and y/n noticed but she frown when jungkook expressions changed into sad one and he shook his head as no

Y/n sigh and smiled sadly at jungkook. They again started to talk. Mostly y/n was talking and jungkook softly smiling listening her. Y/n tell him about his crushes when she was in college and his fights which make jk giggled many time.........y/n noticed that now jungkook is opening up with her so she decides to asked

"Jungkook if I ask something from you will you tell me," y/n asked with serious face

Jungkook looked at her and nodded

"Mm, actually jimin told me, how you get kidnap and what happened with you_____," y/n stop in middle when he saw how jungkook breath started to get uneven

"Hye kook relax its ok," y/n immediately knee down infront of jungkook and held his hand

Jungkook immediately pushed her hand and stand up from chair with teary eyes and breathing heavily. Jk held his heart which is paining so much

"D-don't touch me," jk whispered while stepping away from y/n

"Kook baby listen to noona," y/n said and try to get close to Jungkook

But jungkook screamed and sit down on grass while his head is between his knee. He is crying and shaking badly. Jungkook get panick attack just listening to her word. He don't know why he want taehyung

"T-taetae h-hyungie," jungkook whispered while stepping back

As soon as y/n listen jungkook he immediately called tae and tell that jungkook is in bad condition and want him. It didn't take taehyung much time to come back from wherever he was

Tae immediately runs to the garden and saw jungkook.

"Bunny," taehyung shouted and jungkook immediately looked up while crying

"H-hyungie," jungkook whispered

Taehyung run toward jungkook and hugged him tightly. Jungkook buried his face into tae neck.

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