part 18

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After some days

Now everyone is eating their breakfast silently. Jhope as usual looking at his crush who also blushing. Yoongi also looking at jimin with smile because jimin trying to get tae attention making faces who busy looking at jungkook which make jimin frustrated..........jimin kicked tae under the table who groan and yoongie hide his smile. Tae looked at jimin with angry eyes and jimin signal him to go with the plan.

Tae nodded remembering and cleared his throat

"Mom dad," tae called and all looked at him

"Yes son," mrs jeon said with soft smile

"I want to get married. Find a good partner for me," tae said which make mrs jeon frown

As soon as jungkook heard that fork fell down from his hand. All looked at jungkook and asked if he is fine. Which he just nodded.

"But son," mr jeon said with frown

"Dad please I want to get married now, its my age," tae said

"But why suddenly and as I remember you said you love someone," jhope asked looking at jungkook who just looking down

"Yes I once said that but hyung he don't love me sadly and I don't want to force him, so it's better for me to get married and don'tmake him uncomfortablewith my presence," tae said and all nodded

Jungkook eyes is filled with tears till now. His heart ached thinking taehyung with someone else. He can't see his taetae hyungie with someone else.....but this is only right.

"Ok if you say son," mr jeon said looking at tae

Suddenly jungkook get up and about to leave when jimin called him

"Kookie you didn't eat properly baby,"

"I-I am f-full c-chim hyungie," jungkook said and run away from there to his room

Jungkook closed the door and fall down on bed crying hardly. It's hurting him. Taehyung married talk hurt him but he have to baer this pain for his hyung happiness

Meanwhile on dinning table

"Is he ok," mr jeon asked with worrideness

"We need to check on him," y/n said looking toward from where jungkook left

"No y/n," jimin immediately said

"Will we hurt him badly," jhope asked in worry

"Its important hyung don't worry," jimin said

"Jimin I am warning you if my baby did something to him. I will kill you by my hands," taehyung said glaring at jimin

"My lovely cat is here. If you try to do something to me then my cat will scratch you, right yoongi," jimin said playfully leaning on yoongi body

Yoongi blushed and nodded. All looked at them and smile

"First looked around yourself and find out who love you," tae said and also left from dinning table

Yoongi immediately chocked on his food hearing tae word. All secretly smile looking at yoongi reaction......meanwhile jimin shouted for tae to come back and expalin what he said just now and who love him

"I-I also need to g-go," yoongi said and immediately run away

"What happened to him now," jimin asked in confusion

"Dumboo," y/n mumbled and jhope chuckled which make y/n blush

Mr and mrs jeon smiled looking at their all kids. They can see that who love whom and really they are happy. But they are worried for taekook

Taehyung is standing in the garden when yoongi come there and stand beside tae

"How will you find out that I love jimin," yoongi asked suddenly

Taehyung smiled at yoongi question and turn to face him

"Your eyes tell yoongi. They screamed every time when you are with jimin. Your action tell everything," taehyung said and yoongi looked down with sad smile

"Then why he didn't able to see it," yoongi asked looking into tae eyes

"May be he also need to realise his feelings like jungkook," taehyung said and yoongi nodded

"You know tae I fell in love with him when I first time saw him in this garden. We just shifted here and I was standing in my balcony. He was in garden. He is ready to water the plants but his foot is on pipe, he trying to find out why the water is not coming. He took his foot off from pipe in process and water directly hitted his face and before he realised what happened he is all wet," yoongi said with big smile on his face which make tae smile also

"At that time I laughed so much. After that I find out he is my classmate. We become friends. I get the chance to know him more and I realise how clumsy he is. But his every act make me happy and fell for him more.......I don't know how when and why I started to love him more and more," yoongi said and tae looked at him

"But my heart broken when I get to know he like jhope hyung. I tried to keep my distance from him that my heart not hurt more but you know what it hurt me more to stay away from him," yoongi said and a tear slip from his eye

Taehyung looked at yoongi and his eyes also get glossy. He side hugged yoongie and said

"Jhope hyung love y/n," taehyung said and yoongi wide his eyes

"WHAT," yoongi said in shock

"He himself told me last night," taehyung said

"But I always think that jhope hyung also love jimin," yoongi said in surprise

"Jhope hyung always treat jimin as his younger brother. He know that jimin like him but he also know that you love jimin," tae said and this make yoongi more surprise

"Is my love is that obvious," yoongi asked with shock

Tae smiled and nodded, yoongi looked down with pink cheeks.

"I suggest you to make my dumb friend realize his feelings. I am sure he love you but still think that he love hobie hyung," tae said and patted on yoongi shoulder

"What are you both talking," jhope asked coming towatd them

"Nothing special," tae said with smile

Jhope also come and stand beside yoongi. Yoongi looked at jhope and smiled........ jhope felt yoongi stare and looked at him with frown

"What happened," jhope asked

"You love y/n noona," yoongi asked with teasing smile and jhope chocked on his saliva

Taemin started to laugh looking at jhope blushy face

"You kids are becoming naughty day by day. Hmmm, and what about you yoongi didn't you love jimin," jhope said and now yoongi blushed

They three spend good time in garden while talking and teasing each other


Y/n and jimin come to jungkook room and found him crying. They both immediately come to jungkook and hugged him. They asked many time why he was crying but jungkook didn't give any answer to them

"Why are you hurting yourself my baby, just accept that you also love taehyung," jimin thought with sad eyes

"We are sorry kookie, we are hurting you but its important for you and tae," y/n thought with sadness

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