part 20

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A week later

The day come which jungkook don't want to see. Today is taehyung and jisso engagement. Jeon mansion is beautifully decorated...............In this whole week, tae didn't talk with jungkook and always get busy with arrangement. Jungkook is so restless. He don't want this Engagement. But he is the only one who pushed taehyung away from him

All guest arrived. They know that advocate kim taehyung is going to engaged but with whom that is a secret which only tae family knows. Taehyung is in beautiful black suit while jisso is in gorgeous pink dress. Yoongi wears grey suit while jimin wears purple dress. Jhope is in blue suit and y/n wears yellow gown, namjoon is in brown suit and jin is in green dress. Our cute little kookie is in white dress. Looking like an angel

Y/n and jhope is already a couple. Jhope confess to y/n who accept immediately because she also love jhope. Jhope tell all family member and surprisingly jimin didn't feel hurt.........he don't know why but he feel happy for both of them. This make yoongi. surprise that why jimin didn't react but they let it go.

Jungkook eyes were continously on taehyung who is busy meeting with guest. Jungkook is sitting in the corner on chair. His eyes is swelled but it didn't hide his beauty...........taehyung felt stare so he looked around and his eyes landed on the corner chair where jungkook was sitting looking down

Last night tae went to jimin room and said he is not going to paly this role anymore. Jungkook will never accept his true feeling. He always care other before him. And he will not going to engage with jisso........but jimin told him to wait and forced him to do that. So now tae is standing here

Soon jisso entered enside the hall with his family and meet everyone. Jungkook heart felt like stop beating when he saw taehyung and jisso standing there...........taehyung looked toward jungkook and their eyes meet. Taehyung eyes is begging to jungkook to please confess to him and stop all this. And jungkook eyes is showing the pain he is feeling but jungkook looked down and taehyung left from there

"Why everytime I have to suffer. I love him so much. Can I be little selfish this time. Can I take hyungie only for myself. He said me he love me and only will," jungkook is lost in his thoughts

Jisso come toward him and sit down beside. Jungkook looked down to hide his tears. Jisso held jungkook hand

"When you are going to tell his feeling to him. When he engeged to me," jisso asked and jungkook immediately looked at her with wide shocked eyes

"Huh," jungkook said in surprise

"What huh little bunny. I know that you love him. Then why you are running away from him and let me be his fiance," jisso said and jungkook eyes get teary

"You also can be little selfish. Just go and claim the boy you love with your whole heart. Jungkook you are lucky that the person love you so much who you love. God bless you bunny with a lover like taehyung. Please don't let him go," jisso said and left from there

"B-but I," jisso cut jungkook words

"Jungkook go and claim your man. Its last chance for you. Be brave and go," she said with assure smile and make jungkook stand

Jungkook looked around to find taehyung and saw him going toward his room. Jungkook immediately run behind taehyung...........he entered the room and saw tae is fixing his watch. He come toward tae and make him turn around. Tae looked at jungkook with surprise

"Bunn____" taehyung word cutted when jungkook hugged taehyung tightly

Taehyung wide his eyes in shock. He really didn't expact that. Its like a dream to him. Jungkook slowly back away while crying

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