part 3

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Jungkook, jimin and yoongi is going toward jungkook University while yoongi is driving. Jungkook get admission in art department. He loves drawing and crafting. So choose this as his career. Jungkook is so much excited but as well as nervous because jimin is in another University

"Relax little one," yoongi said with smile

"Cat hyung I am nervous," jungkook said with pout

"There's no need to be nervous little one," yoongi said with smile

"I don't even have any friend there," jungkook said

"I guarantee, you will make lot of friends on you first day, and who don't want to be a friend of this much cute bunny," yoongi said and jungkook blushed

"Perhaps do you like my brother," jimin said and jungkook wide his eyes

"He is like my brother and why you care if I like him or love him," yoongi asked looking at rear mirror

"Why I care, I care because he is mine little brother and I have his responsibility," jimin said and stik out his tongue

Yoongi laugh at jimin act and shook his head

"You don't worry, he is my brother as well, and yeah I like someone," yoongi said looking at jimin

"Really who is she/he," jimin asked excitedly

"I will tell when time come," yoongi said and jimin pouted

"Selfish," jimin said and yoongi smile

Jungkook smiled looking at them and look outside the window........soon car stopped infront of jungkook University. They all come out and get the attention of every student who is present there.

"Let's go little ones," yoongi said with smirk

"Who you called little one, I am same age as you," jimin said immediately with a glare

Yoongi shrugged his shoulder and jungkook giggled. Yoongi put his hand around jungkook shoulder and started to drag jungkook with him. Jimin run behind them.

"Tell me what I asked you brat," jimin shouted

They all come inside and looked at the notice board. They saw jungkook classed timing. Class number and every they are walikng toward jungkook Classroom.

"Ok little one here is your class and best of luck," yoongi said with smile

"Baby if anyone try to hurt you tell us ok we both will broke their bones," jimin said and jungkook giggled

"Ok hyung I will let you know," jungkook said with a smile

"Now go and best of luck," jimin said

"Thank you hyung," jungkook said and left toward his class room

Yoongi looked at jimin who is looking at jungkook with concern. He smile

"He is looking more beautiful today," yoongi thought

Jimin looked at yoongi and smirk when he saw he is looking at him

"Mr min what happened, are you lost in my beauty," jimin said jokingly

"Yes I lost," yoongi said

"Shut up and let's go," jimin said

"But am saying the truth," yoongi said runing behind jimin

"Ha ha I know how much you say truth," jimin said running toward the car

"When will you understand jimin that I love you," yoongi thought with sigh

They also left to their university

Meanwhile jungkook

Jungkook enter inside the class and looked around. He saw empty seat and silently sit down there. When he feel silence he looked around the class and saw all are looking at him most like admiring him. Jungkook blushed and looked down playing with his fingers.

Soon professor enter inside the class and introduced himself

"Hello everyone, my name is kim namjoon. Am your HOD and also crafting professor. Am working here from almost 10 years. I am 31 years old. I hope we all will work together," namjoon said with dimple smile

"You are handsome mr kim," one of the students said and all students laughed

Namjoon blushed and looked down. He again looked up and smile

"Thank you dear but I am already married," manjoon said showing his ring fingure

"Oh that sad," the same girl said with sad pout and again all laughed

Namjoon smiled and asked students to introduce theirself and tell the reason why they choose this department. All started to introduce their selfs. Now its jungkook turn. He stand up

"Hello everyone, hello mr kim, my name is Jeon Jungkook. I am 20 years old. I love to make drawings and crafting so thats why I choose this field. I hope you all treat me well," jungkook said and looked down

"We will," all students said

"You are beautiful jungkook. Are you single," the same girl asked and all laughed

Jungkook blushed and mr kim shook his head while smiling

"Sit down jungkook and make sure to answer her," mr kim said and all again laughed

Now that girl turn, she stand up

"Hello everyone, my name is IU. Am alo 20 years as jungkook. I really don't know why I choose this field. Mmm, I think I have lot of colors that I want to finish that why am here," IU said and all laughed at his introduction

Namjoon also laughed with class

"I think I get the good time with this class because of you IU, now sit down," namjoon said with smile

They didn't study just introduce their selfs and talk about the course outline of this semester, now lecture time is over and mr kim left the class

IU looked at jungkook and come toward him

"Hello pretty boy," IU said sitting beside jungkook

"H-hello," jungkook said while blushing

"Will you be my friend pretty boy, " IU asked with wide smile and forward his hand to jungkook

Jungkook looked at her hand and than at her. He smile and shake his hand with IU. IU take his bag and sit down beside jungkook. She started to talk first, slowly jungkook also started to talk. They talk about their families, friends and etc

Now its lunch break, IU hold jungkook hand and dragged him toward cafeteria  and jungkook smiles

"You know I heard the cafeteria of art department is so beautiful, our seniors decorated it for us," IU said

"Really I want to see," jungkook said excitedly

"Pabo am also taking you there," IU said and laugh and jungkook smiled nervously

They entered inside the cafeteria and both get amazed looking at the decorations

"Wow," both said at same time

Their cooing session broke when IU stomach groan in hunger. She smiled holding her stomach and jungkook giggled

"I think my little stomach want some food, let's go pretty boy, you must be hungry," IU said dragging jungkook with him

They took their food and sit down on one of table. They started to eat their food while talking. Jungkook talk mostly about taehyung and IU smile knowing this pretty boy love him but himself dont know. Jungkook is talking and giggled without knowing that many eyes intensely looking at him

What do you thing who are they?

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