part 19

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Next day

All are sitting in living room. They are waiting for mr jeon business partner who have daughter name jisso. Jisso is also jimin and tae classmate and one of their friend. Mr jeon suggested this girl for tae at last night dinner which make jungkook to cry whole night

Now all are sitting. Taehyung eyes were only on jungkook who was biting his lips to control his emotions. Taehyung haeat is feeling sick looking at his baby in this condition. But jimin held tae hand and assure him that everything is going to be ok

Soon they heard door bell and jimin run to open the door. Y/n and mrs jeon left to kitchen. Soon mr kim come with their daughter jisso. All greet each other and sit down while talking.....y/n and mrs jeon come amd put the things which they made for guests.

"How are you buddy," mr kim asked with wide smile

"I am fine loser how are you," mr jeon said with smirk

"Talk to me nicely, I am here with my family," mr kim said slapping mr jeon arm

All started to laugh except jungkook. Kim family know jeon family from years. Mr kim and jeon were college friend and till now they are friends. Mrs kim looked at jungkook and smile

"How are you my little baby," mrs kim said and kissed on jungkook cheek

"I am fine anti how are you," jungkook said with fake little smile

"Ooo dear I am absolutely good," mrs kim said and sit down beside jungkook

They know that how the poor boy suffer so much in this little age. Mr kim is the one who handle mr jeon company when he is busy with jungkook case. They many time come to jeon mansion when jungkook is in coma

Jisso also come and sit down other side of jungkook

"How are you bunny boy," she asked with soft smile

"I am good noona," jungkook said with little smile

"You know how much your noona miss you," jisso said and hugged jungkook

Jungkook hugged back. His eyes directly landed on taehyung who is already looking at him with soft sad smile. Jungkook immediately looked down and broke the hug when his heart beat fast...............jisso caressed jungkook hair with sad smile on her face

(Note: kim family is also involved in jimin plan and helping them to realize jungkook his feeling toward taehyung)

"Ok so mr jeon let jisso and taehyung talk for sometime," mr kim said and all nodded

Taehyung and jisso left toward garden. Jungkook eyes travel with them till they disappear. All looked at jungkook with sad eyes...........jungkook didn't feel good when he saw both walking side by side so he stand up to left from there but stop

"Baby sit down with us," mrs kim said with soft smile

Jungkook sigh and sit down. Mrs kim started to talk with jungkook who's all attention was on garden. He just reply her with hmm oy just nodded or shook his head

Meanwhile with jisso and taehyung.
They sit down on chairs

"Thank you for helping me jisso," taehyung said with smile

"I am not doing it for you you dumbass," jisso said in his sassy tone and taehyung chuckled

"I just doing it for my little bunny. I want to give him happiness. What happened with him was wrong but I will never let him to destroy his life. And you know what you are lucky to get an innocent and pure boy like him in love with you," jisso said looking at taehyung

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