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curiosity (noun)- a strong desire to know or learn something.

The Mistress had a dark secret. One she had kept all her life. She was curious, too curious, that it had turned into an obsession.

Killing and Dying.
Love and Hate.
Mysteries and Discoveries.

Will the Mistress finally find what she was looking for? Or will she just wither away like every other person who had ventured on a path like hers? Or will she heal and find new light?

Will the Mistress finally find what she was looking for? Or will she just wither away like every other person who had ventured on a path like hers? Or will she heal and find new light?

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"Don't cry Rain." Father said, softly, as he slowly picked me up from my bed.

I wanted to run.

"Mommy doesn't love you, it's just that. But I'll always love you, Rain." He kissed my forehead as I reluctantly had to hold his shoulders for support.  He carried me to the 'living room'. It was more like a dying room, really.

He placed me on the dusty old couch and switched the television on. It was loud and it was making my ears hurt. The room had no light, only the colours of the t.v. illuminated it.

He laughed heartily, even after all that happened. I knew why. It was the alcohol running through his veins. He reeked of it every single day.

"Rain how was school?" He asked suddenly averting his gaze from the television.

I didn't answer. It was midnight and yet here he was with his destroyed mind asking me about my day.

"How was your day!" He shouted making hot tears flow down my then plump cheeks.

I wanted to run.

"Tell me!!"

"It was good father." I sucked up the tears and answered painfully, looking at his mad grey eyes.


"I want mommy." I whispered softly.

"You don't understand do you? Little one? Mommy left you. You are nothing to her! You are nothing to anyone!"

The voice echoed in my head, loud and clear as if it were only yesterday. This same voice reminded me each day- I am Worthless. And it was that which lead me to the path of destruction. The path of Finding Death.

I gripped the collars of his white shirt and pulled him closer towards my lips. His plump thick ones caressed mine and I found myself leaning in. It wasn't love. I didn't feel anything, just lust and want.

I slid my tongue into his mouth and he let out a deep moan. I was pulling him closer by his collar. He then thrusted his tongue into mine and I tasted chocolate. His flavoured vape probably.

He then grabbed my waist and pressed my whole body on his. This was wrong said a voice in the back of my head, but I didn't care. I let him continue as the painful words of my father echoed in my ears.

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