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Last night left me in a daze. I was entranced by those eyes. It was so dangerous and captivating that sleep was an unknown term for me, starting yesterday. I just wanted to cuddle up against her b-

"Julian, let's go -", he lifted me up and placed me on his shoulder.

We were heading down stairs when I realised we lived on the topmost floor. The three meals were served in the cafeteria on the ground floor.

It was huge as expected. To be honest it looked like a royal family's dining room. There were six long tables with atleast ten chairs on each side. The hall itself was very beautiful with crimson walls and golden motifs, the crystal chandelier, the majestic vases and last but not the least, the various types of dishes to select from. After much deliberation we decided to settle on mac and cheese, our favourite.

"Hey". We were having our breakfast when another fellow muscled male approached us.
I stared at him. He had black hair and auburn eyes, with tan skin.

"Bro, You have a hamster?" He looked at master with an amused face and then looked at me, right into my beady eyes.

"Yeah, You're new here or?" Caspian asked motioning him to sit.

"Yeah, I'm Carlo. Carlo Lopez, you?" He asked sitting next to us.

"I'm Caspian. Caspian Hernandez."

Carlo's eyes widened. "¿Eres español?"

"Uh -".

"¡Eres la primera persona que encontré que habla español!"

"Um. Carlo?"

"¡Estoy tan feliz!"

"Carlo I don't speak Spanish!"

His face dropped. "You're Spanish and you don't know Spanish?"


"You're a disgrace, Hernandez, A disgrace!"

"Oh please Carlo, it isn't a big deal." He said rubbing his temples with his left hand.

"Hey, guys can I join?" Carlo, Caspian and I look at the source of the voice. It was another muscled man, this time a black American with flawless skin and medium length curls. He was holding a nice looking burger.

"Yeah Sure." Caspian motioned to his other side.

"Bro! You have a hamster!" He rubbed his dirty finger on my groomed fur and checked his pockets.

"Here". He took a peanut and held it close, I grabbed it because someone forgot to feed me.

"Aww so cute." He made that face.

"I'm Caspian this is Carlo," he pointed towards him then continued. "You?"

"Mark. Nice to meet ya. Are you guys by any chance on the soccer team?" Mark asked.

"Yeah". They said, together.

"No way!" Said Carlo.

"Yup, knew from miles away. You guys give the vibes you know?" Mark continued then all of a sudden, I saw her!

She was choosing breakfast in the now bustling hall and her wavy hair was just as beautiful in daylight. She proceeded to turn and I involuntarily found myself climb down Master's shirt and onto the table. Their conversation, their laughing and the other students had been tuned out of my vision and only she remained.

Her fiery eyes met mine and I immediately jogged, unbothered by the surprised and screaming kids, who were having breakfast on the table. I ran and ran until we were a meter apart and it only took me five minutes.
But she waited! The Mistress waited! For me!

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