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Caspian Hernandez

It's scary when you suddenly figure out that you're not enough for someone. It hurts even more if you know you love them but you just can't return the feelings with the same sincerity. All because you're an asshole. You've been in many relationships and played and toyed with people, that now, when you truly want to love, you can't seem to anymore.

That was me.

I wasn't and will never be enough for someone like Rain.

Rain was amazing, she was infact the very definition of perfection. She was plain with her words and painstakingly sincere with her feelings. She would turn into a tomato in social situations and try her best to escape it. And she would always be there, at the same place, under her willow tree where I would join her in the most beautiful silence.

She would often tease me, with her adorable little smirk that I just wanted to kiss it off her face. Her deep dimples would appear even while speaking and God my heart would melt into a puddle every time she smiled.

Her hair smelled like honey and cinnamon which made me want to lie down on her shoulder drowning in her comforting scent.

Every thing was happy and alluring about her, but there was this gnawing sadness that seemed to be masked beneath it, threatening to overflow. The day I found her crying all alone in the meadow, I knew that her sadness was deep, and would take time to heal.

When I first saw her, I thought the rumours about her were really just rumours, but no. They were true.

She was hurt. Very badly hurt yet somehow she had contained in within her.

And then I realised-

Rain would blame herself. She would-

"Shit, Shit, Shit, SHIT!"

I dashed down the flights of stairs dimly lit by the dull glow of the lanterns. My breaths were laboured, sweat was dripping down my forehead and my limbs were turning numb with exhaustion. I pushed aside some loitering students and ran as fast as I could to stop her.

Rain Livingston

"You are Worthless!" My father's booming voice echoed in my head making me shake to the bone.

Everything seemed to collapse around me. The wall I had built to hide my sadness over the years had crumbled down, now leaving me bare and vulnerable.

I stared down at the overly familiar sight of the woods from the tower's balcony. The sky was only starting to darken with the blues and the whirling sound of the wind made goosebumps appear all over my arms. The woods below were pitch black and in that moment that seemed to be more like home than this.

I closed my eyes trying to force out the tears out of them. I had exposed myself completely to him, yet he- waterfalls of tears blurred my vision again, my knees buckled and I was forced to kneel down.

The skin on my knees burnt as they were rubbed against the rough stone surface. This was all too familiar.

I thought that I'd never have to see this place again, yet here I was, completely wasted and worst, heartbroken. This pain was sharp and slow. Slowly breaking my heart into pieces, making it even more painful to bear.

I was struggling to get up but I did. I grabbed onto the bricked wall and looked down. A cold breeze blew again, even so I didn't shiver. I was numb, incapable of feeling anything anymore. I put all my weight on my hands and propelled myself up on the wall. My feet were still, not even slightly shaking. I stood up, looking over at the world that was too unfair to me, the world that had destroyed me and the world that I would soon leave.

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