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It was scorching hot in California. The hottest day of the year. I curled up into a small fluffy ball and laid in my cage. After a few hours of doing nothing and contemplating the use of living. I started to groom myself. Atleast I'll look good.

I licked my tiny hands with sticky saliva and started to run it over my chestnut and beige fur. Then all of a sudden- I felt a stinging pressure in my abdomen. I turned myself around, and right there were two black pellets lying on the hay covered floor.

"YOU IDIOTIC HAMSTER!" My master cursed. He was a ridiculous boy of fourteen and about to turn fifteen. I wanted to tell him that excretion is a normal part of life, if you eat you will excrete, but he wouldn't understand. So I let it be.

I was then harshly picked up by him and placed into my labyrinth, then he stared at me. Did he want me to find the exit? Like I would listen to him, I stare at his crystal blue eyes with my beady black ones. Shoo human, Shoo!

He sighed, disappointed. "You are useless Julian." He picked me up and put me back into my cage which was now clean and devoid of poop.

"Caspian get ready." It was my master's mother.

His mother was at his bedroom door asking him to get ready so that they could leave for his new boarding school in Texas.
"I'm ready?" Caspian answered.

"You call that ready?" She raised one eyebrow at her son wearing a tshirt and khaki shorts.

"Ugh! Fine, fine". He better dress up nice. It was the boarding school that we're talking about. The Most Hard To Get Into School in the whole entire human world! It was always on the television that I had memorized the whole thing-

The Henris Academy. It was a private boarding school established in the 1700s. It is said that all the world's most successful people were schooled there.

So why does my useless master get to go there? Well he may be dumb but he is talented. He along with his team has won nineteen national junior football tournaments and three international junior tournaments. He was basically a football prodigy! Therefore, he received a special sports scholarship. End of story-

He then harshly picked my cage up sprinkling all the hay everywhere. I held on tightly with my hands, and started praying for dear life. Where the hell was this boy taking me?

"Mom, I'll take Julian with me." Caspian stated to his mother who was getting the suitcases ready in the car. She then eyed her son to approve of his attire, now consisting of a white shirt and black slacks. She looked disappointed that he didn't wear a tie but figured that this would have to do.

"You can do whatever you want as long as you're not kicked out". She said as she started the engine of the old minivan.

He kept me right beside him in the back seat. I made myself comfortable and closed my eyes for a minute, then, the next thing I saw was that I was in the airplane on Caspian's lap. Time travel!

"Tsk- tsk- Julian!" He whispered as he kept two sunflower seeds in front of me. I grab them and instinctively start to chew at them, whilst being stared at by a creepy green eyed girl sitting right next to us.

It was not long before we reached Texas that I finished my snack. The sun was just as hot here as well, thank God people invented air conditioning.

I spotted the lady standing in front of the huge "Henris Academy" sign which had "WELCOME" written on it with big bold letters. As we approached her, her face melted into a professional smile.

"Mr. Hernandez, I will be escorting you to Henris Academy. I am Ms Heeler, pleasure to meet your acquaintance." She extended her hand towards Caspian, smiling.

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