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"I did and I regret it so very much Rain! I want you to stay with us now."

"What?" Said Rain surprised.

"I want you to stay with us now." Repeated her mother, hopefully.

"Oh really?!" Her eyes widened and she laughed. Laughed at her mother's audacity after everything she had done to her, laughed at the woman who had not chosen her, laughed at the monster because of whom she had gone through so much and yet here she was, wanting Rain to come back.

Her mocking laugh bounced off the high walls yet her eyes never once stopped their waterworks.

The moment she stopped her pale lips morphed into a straight line-

"Never, Mother. Never. No matter how much you 'want' me to stay with you, I am never going to live with the woman who abandoned me!" She said and swiftly turned around towards the door. Her eyes held no intention of seeing her again, they were cold and devoid of any love for the woman who called herself her mother.

"Rain, stop!"

The wooden door slammed shut-

The wooden door slammed shut-

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Mistress was crying. The streams of tears flowed down her pale cheeks yet she made no effort to rub them off. The sky was now lavender, slowly turning completely navy with a thin arc of white behind the grey clouds.

We finally reached the stone paved path which would lead us back into the dorm-

Everything happened in a blur. I was lifted off of her shoulder and crashed onto the rough rocks. My eyes blurred for a second but soon I recovered and thanks to my thick fur, my landing was safe. The same couldn't be said for Mistress though. I landed a few feet away from her and my eyes immediately landed on her laying unconscious, on the rough stone surface, face down. What just happened-

A trail of dark blood leaked from her forehead. No no no no no!

I ran towards her limp body and touched her tear-stained cheeks with my hand. I shook it slightly. No answer. I shook the soft skin under my tiny hands again, yet she didn't budge one bit.

This couldn't be happening.

I needed to save her. She didn't deserve all this, she deserved someone to lean on and put all her faith on. She needed someone like Master. And no matter how much I hated that he had fallen for Mistress, she needed him, now.

So I ran. I ran all the way to Master.

 I ran all the way to Master

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