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"What's wrong?" Asked Master who was violently pulled out of the cafeteria into one of the hallways, by Mistress, lit up in a golden yellow glow because of the setting sun. The hallway had arched windows starting right from the floor to the high ceilings, making the whole feel more romantic.
I think.

Mistress was pulling him by his hand, so Master was logically more focused on that but still listened to her, albeit a bit halfheartedly.

"Why did you have to step in?" She asked, not angry but just curious and letting go of his hand, quiet larger than her own.

"Why not?" Asked Master.

"Because it's none of your business?"

"But it is right? We're friends? Or did I read it wrong, again?" He asked very confused.

"No." She thought for a while. "I guess we are friends", the corners her lips twitched up into a small smile, making her dimples appear then she added, "thank you." After a brief moment of her, staring at Master with a fond expression, she walked away, her back covered by her long, wavy hair slowly receding into the hallway.

"I should have asked her why she was in that situation in the first place right?" He stared at me on his right shoulder and I stared back. "Shit." He walked away feeling dumber than ever.

"You've started something Hernandez," Said Carlo, tensed

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"You've started something Hernandez," Said Carlo, tensed.

"What?" He asked, oblivious.

"What do you mean what! The whole school is going to escalate the rumours about you and Rain starting, the moment you defended her!"

"Oh, right." Said Master continuing to climb the flights of stairs to his dorm.

"Carlo, he is definitely not worried about rumours right now." Said the all-knowing-Mark.

"Yeah." Said Master finally reaching his dorm. He twisted the key and opened his door, letting Mark and Carlo enter first. He then closed it with a rusty click.

"Say, Lopez, What else do you know about those two girls?" He asked sitting on his bed.

"The one's who were cornering Rain?" Asked Mark.

"Yeah " Said Master with an evil smirk.

"Yeah " Said Master with an evil smirk

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