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"I look at you from the corner and wonder why your eyes shine that way, it's like how the evening sun touches the cerulean sea. They radiate warmth, kindness and joy, making everyone instantly fall in your trap. And in that I have too. I have fallen in your trap Caspian Hernandez, will you be my boyfriend?" She finished, now heavily breathing and clenching her hand over her chest.

"Look I mean it was nice and all but I'm not really into dating right now so-".

"I'll make you change your mind!" She shouted hopefully.

"I'm sorry, but you didn't even tell me your name?" He said.

The girl was angry and frustrated, I could tell. She was scrunching up the paper from which she had read and she looked down. She was beautiful no doubt, but caked in makeup. Unlike Mistress.

"You Are An Asshole! Caspian Hernandez." With that she stormed away with tears in her eyes.

"Well that's done, Julian." Said Master with a sigh. He started walking back towards the dorm. The place of confession was actually behind the building and a pleasant place actually, I could even see some mountains in the distance.

It was our third day here. In the prestigious Henris Academy. Nothing much had happened, except Master suddenly being overly famous.

"Hey Caspian!" A random girl said in the hallway of the first floor.

"Hi", he said answering then winking at her, making her squeal in delight. He was giving her false hope.

"Hey bro!" A hand crept over Master's shoulders which startled me.

"Hey Mark. How's life?"

"Life's good, I just got a girlfriend." He said, bashfully.

"Oh that's - that's good?"

"Of course it's good." He says as a matter of factly.

"Isn't it too much work?" Asked Master.

"Well it's worthwhile and I might actually love her." He said, love struck.

"Well-" Master was cut off -

"Hey Hernandez". Said Carlo Lopez mockingly.

"Hey Lopez." Master returned with the same mocking tone.

"So I hear Mark's got a girlfriend?" He raises his eyebrows up and down towards Mark.

Mark removed his hands from Master's shoulder and rubbed the back of his neck blushing. " Well yeah, how'd you know?"

"Let's just say rumours travel fast." He answered.

"What's her name?" Asked Carlo now starting to walk again.

"It's Melody."

"Melody Henris!?"


"No way she likes you!" Says Carlo breaking Marks heart.

"Why?" Says Mark.

"Because she has a boyfriend?"

Mark stopped in his tracks. "Who told you that?"

"The whole school knows bro", answered Carlo.

"I got to go, guys." Mark left in a hurry.

"That's that then". Shrugged Master, proceeding to walk up to his floor, leaving Carlo.

"I feel sad for him". Says Carlo to Master who was already climbing up the stairs.

"Well it's her loss".

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