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"What's wrong with your face Hernandez?" Asked Carlo, still laying on Master's bed.

"What do you mean?" He started to stare at Mistress's handkerchief in his hands again, rubbing it with his thumb.

"Oh! I see now." He smiled wickedly, then sat up.


"Hernandez is in love!" There, the painful words were finally spoken aloud.

"What the fuck, No Idiot." He turned around with his cheeks burning. He was definitely blushing, but his tan covered it up, so the only hint of the blush were his red ears.

"Aww! Your ears are red!" Carlo comes from behind him and grabs both his ears, jumping onto his back.


"NOPE, HERNANDEZ IS IN LOVE!" He shouted, the others would soon come to know too.

"SHUT UP!" He grabbed his mouth shut violently and pushed him against a wall, making him wince. Master's nose was flaring with rage. Another wrong move from Carlo would result in him dying.

"Okay, okay, chill dude. Chill." He removed Master's hand from his mouth with his own and looked at Caspian.

"I swear I'll be quite."

Caspian lets him go. After a few moments of tense silence, Carlo breaks it.

"So, who is it?" He said, now in a more understanding and non-aggressive way.

Master hesitated but he had to tell someone. He needed love advice but I doubted Carlo was the correct person. Mark would be more suitable.

"Rain". He said, fondly, her name tasting like sweet honey in his mouth.

"What!" Carlo's eyes widened. "No," he laughed," You're joking. Right?"

"No, I think I like her."

"Well yeah, I get that she's really pretty, but Dude! Half the school 'loves' her and no way she likes you back!" Carlo stated.

"But she does!" Said Master, with confidence.

"No way." He said, having faith in his information.

"Well she was all shy and nervous, struggling to keep eye contact." Smiled Master, while remembering their brief meeting.

"She spoke to you?" Carlo said, amazed.

"Yeah, why wouldn't she?" Said Master, confused.

"She's never spoken to anyone before, not even to her classmates, ever since she came here."

"It's probably because no one approached her." He shrugged.

"I don't know. Maybe. But Hernandez! This is huge!" He shouted, all excited.

"I know." He smiled his new 'lovestruck' smile.

"Wow you're under her spell. You spoke to her stinking like this though?" He laughed.

Master's eyes widened with embarassment. "Shit- No", he smelled his armpits, then realised how bad it really was.

"Shit Lopez! Why didn't you tell me before I went!" He placed me down on the bed, carelessly, and rushed to take his first shower in two days.

"Rain must have bad taste in men huh Julian?" He picks me up, laughing. I'm not so sure about that. Master maybe a bit of a 'bad boy' but people change when they're in love. Don't they?

 Don't they?

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