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"She looks peaceful hm?" Said Master looking at Rain who had trusted him enough to fall asleep in his dorm. I just hope he doesn't break the trust.

Her long, black curls enveloped her, with a few scattered here and there. Master tucked a strand behind her ear with all the courage he could muster up. His fingers grazed her pale cheeks igniting something within Master. He then covered her with a thin blacket then whispered, "Good night, Rain," right next to her ear.

"Where will I sleep?" He scrunched up his eyebrows and looked at me. I stared back.

The morning sunlight seeped into my cage and I opened my eyes

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The morning sunlight seeped into my cage and I opened my eyes. I saw Mistress on the bed and momentarily freaked out, but then remembered last night's events.

But where did Master sleep? I looked down and there he was, sprawled across the bare floor with a thin bed sheet covering his torso. His body was very near to the bed, trying to be as close to Mistress as possible.

He had a good heart, as I said and maybe, he'll soon be a good person. I was busy looking at my boy with admiration when-

"Oy!" Shouted Carlo's voice from the hallway.

"Wake up Hernandez!" He shouted again.

Mistress stirred and turned, disturbed.


"Hernan-", He was cut of by Master opening the door.

"Hey! How was last-"

"Shut the hell up and leave Lopez, it's 6 fucking a.m. in the morning!" He said groggily and slammed the door shut on his face.

He again fell asleep on the ground.

After I finished the three peanuts I found in the hay, I stared at both of them sleeping, like the creep I am.

An hour later, they were still asleep.

Two hours later- still asleep.

At this rate they'd miss breakfast. Another half hour passed and I heard someone knocking on the door.

This time Mistress woke up and stretched, yawning. Her brown eyes finally opened after a lot of struggle and she looked around, at first startled but then soon she calmed down, recalling the events of last night.

She then sat up with her feet dangling from the side of the bed and her feet touch something soft. She looked down and gasped.

Her foot was on Master's head.

Another knock-

She looked at him below her and realised that she must open the door, after all, Caspian did do a lot for her yesterday, besides- how bad could it be?

She made her way towards the door and twisted the knob, revealing....

Mark, Thank God!

Mark was surprised definitely. Seeing a girl, a girl that was Rain, in Master's bedroom, and more importantly in Master's clothes.

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