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She opened the door to her dorm, it was room '37' and her hallway was a sweet shade of lavender. There were paintings hung on the walls as usual. She didn't twist the key though-

"Hey R, back from the meadow?" Asked a girl with black, wavy locks laying on the bed with her phone close to her face. Her eyes were a mysterious gray and she somehow resembled Mistress.

"Yup, you're still on your phone?" Asked Mistress as she kept me on her study, or was it the girl's?

"Yeah, I still can't decide which college to go to!" She groaned. "Mom is going to kill me!" She shouted and threw her phone across the room. Well that was new.

"Shit-", her eyes widened and she got up to get her phone. It was broken.

"Did you just throw another phone across the room this year?" Said Mistress keeping her finished book on the study along with a tall stack of others. So it was Mistress's room.

"Ugh-" she shouted, "Who cares! Mom is going to kill me if I say I haven't decided yet!" She layed down on the bed again and turned around on her stomach with her face on the pillow, whining loudly. The sound came out muffled because of the pillow.

"You'll get snot on my pillow Mel." Said Mistress now turning her phone on.

I walked closer to her screen and received another stroke of her fingers on my head. She was on Google, writing - 'What do hamsters like to eat'.

I was touched. She was the best human on Earth!

"Is that the hamster?" Asked Mel, now noticing me on the table top.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean the hamster!"


"The iconic Hamster all over Instagram! The one always on Caspian's shoulder!"

"Yes?" Said Mistress confused.

"No way!" Mel woke up, grabbed me, quickly took another phone out of her back pocket and took my picture. The strong flash hit my eyes and I closed them.

"I'm going to post this!!" She squealed.

I was a celebrity and I didn't even know? Wow-

"God! Mel, you're scaring the poor thing." She took me back, defensively.

"Fine fine." She groaned and plopped back on the bed. After a while of scrolling on the phone she remembered something-

"So there are rumours that you and Mr. Hernandez have been seen under trees, kissing?" She smirked and raised her brown brows up and down, looking at Mistress in a teasing manner.

Mistress blushed.

"Ah! I know my sister's love blush when I see one!" She squealed.

"It's just a rumor, this school is filled with rumours, you know that." She pulled out another book and started reading it. She wasn't actually reading it though, being preoccupied with thoughts of kissing Master.

The main piece of information was that Mel was Mistress's sister. Now that was unexpected.

"My little sister is in love!" She shouted. Mel and Carlo would be a perfect match.

"It's not like that," Mistress turned towards her still sitting on her chair.


"Keep quiet!" She stood up now scared that everyone would know.

"My sister is finally-" Rain jumped on her and tackled her to the bed. One of her hands cupped her mouth shut and the other held Mel's hands above her head. Now this looked dangerous.

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