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"I wanted to continue seeing you." He said with a confident expression, almost too sure that she'd happily agree. "I love you Rain." He blurted out, getting carried away. This boy was too sure of himself.

As soon as those words left his lips, Rain's eyes widened with shock and she looked elsewhere, angry and disappointed.

"Shit - I didn't mean to make you angry. I'm sorry!" Said Master, scared.

She didn't say anything, only staring at the large expanse of grass and trees in the distance, with a disappointment written all over her face.

"Rain? I'll give it back." He said, hesitantly.

Mistress nodded.

"Here." He placed the embroidered handkerchief on her book and waited for her response.

The tense silence was scary. Even more so for Master. He was looking down, examining his nails, waiting patiently for what Mistress had to say.

"Leave." She said now, getting back to reading, and growing more hostile towards him.

"What?" He was surely not expecting that.
"I'm sorry that I did that, only for my selfishness, but- but don't you like me?"

Mistress nodded, no.

"No, don't do this!" Said Master.

He inched his hand closer to hers in an attempt to make her change her mind.
The moment he placed it on hers, she instantly removed it. "Leave!" She shouted, ever furious, with tears glazing her golden brown eyes.

Master looked at her, hurt, then left.

He was staring at the ceiling

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He was staring at the ceiling. It had already been two hours since he was doing so. Rain's rejection really hurt him. No one had rejected him before. Never. He always got what he wanted, but Mistress wasn't going to give in so easily. She'd put up a fight.

"How can she do that? Even after all I did for her!" He was angry. He woke up then quickly held up a glass and, in the blink of an eye, it shattered on contact with the floor, scattering glass bits everywhere.

He wasn't angry, he was furious. His breathing was heavy and his chest rose dangerously with each intake of air. He must have been thinking how a girl could ever reject him, and not only that but Mistress hadn't even given him a chance. His pride was hurt, his confidence was shattered.

He stormed outside with me still clinging on his shoulder. It was sad that I knew what he was going to do.

He simply walked into dorm room number '23' and knowing what would happen I jumped of off his shoulder.

Instead of staying outside and waiting, I decided to take a stroll outside. I ran off, down the stairs and outside, towards the meadow. My feet involuntarily took me toward the willow tree. Mistress's willow tree.

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