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I opened my eyes and instantly found Master's crystal blue ones. He rubbed my head with his now cold fingers and then touched his forehead. He felt Mistress's handkerchief, now soaking wet so he slowly removed it.

He then got up with a grunt and stretched. The muscles of his back were well defined, showing how dedicated he was to himself and soccer. He inspected the handkerchief.

It was plain white, but it had pink cherry flowers embroidered on it's right, bottom corner. It was beautiful but not quite what I had expected Mistress to have.

"That's Rain's". Said Mark, waking up from on of the other white sheeted beds.

"Who's Rain?" He asked.

"Well in short, she's a puzzle." Said Mark.

"Okay? What about in long?" Caspian smiled and Mark returned a short laugh.

"Okay so." He started whispering," She is or was a prodigy, she played the violin and always stood first."

Master nodded and he continued, "But there's these rumours about her, they say she has attempted suicide."

Master's eyes widen in amusement. He was clearly intrigued.

"But not once, five times. And everytime it was in school."


"That's all" Shrugged Mark finishing.

"How did you know all this?"

"Apparently Carlo has 'connections'". He said getting up and walking up to Master.

"You're feeling better now?"

"Yeah, all better. Thanks for yesterday Mark. Where's Lopez?" He said searching around the empty room.

"Don't know," he yawned. "I think he's a morning person."

Master then got up and started to put on his shoes, meanwhile, Mark fed me some sunflower seeds. He's amazing!

" Let's go". Said Master picking me up and placing me on his shoulder, he stunk.

We went our seperate ways when Master remembered something. "Oh God the handkerchief. Great, just great!"

We then went down all the six floors and into the infirmary. It was still empty so we quickly grabbed it and started to climb up, again.

"Hey!" A girl suddenly clung to one of Master's arms. He flinched but then saw what was happening so he let it go on.

"Hey." Said Master, now flirting.

"You wanna see my dorm?" She asked, seductively.

"With pleasure." He then followed her towards her dorm. We reached in less than a minute.

Her hallway was a fresh cyan colour, the doors were wooden and some golden framed paintings were hung at regular intervals. She reached towards her door and I saw the number '23' shining, because of the sun light from the window.

I quickly climbed down Master's shoulders and waited outside, while he finished. This was what his mother was tired about. I heard bangs and moans and curses, and immediately tuned it out of my brain.

After about ten minutes he was done. He came out then picked me back up. His clothes were hurriedly put on and he had a lingering rose fragrance on him.

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