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It was the principal. Rain's mother. She was standing at the wooden door staring at the scene before her. Her eyes were fixated on Mateo's crushed face, which was turning blue and even black at a few places.

"Nurse Johanna," she turned back towards the nurse, standing behind her with the same surprised face, "please do the needful."

Johanna nodded then paced towards the body with her supplies hurriedly put into a big, white bag on her shoulder. She checked his faint pulse then began to hurriedly clean his wounds.

"You two with me, now." She then walked away from our sight.

Rain Livingston is the best person ever, for she finally noticed me on the cold ground. She silently picked me up and placed me on her shoulder, giving my limbs some much needed rest.

She then walked towards the door, never once looking back at Master behind her. She radiated anger enough to burn down the shameful boy behind her. So Master kept his distance whilst following her. God knows why he lashed out in the first place.

The sun was still bright, with the periodic cloud blocking it's rays every now and then. We had reached the stone path that led to the high school building /castle. The wildflowers lining the path were the same as the other day, bright and lively. Rain bent over, for a moment and swiftly picked up a little white daisy. She twirled it back and forth between her fingers and there was this weird relation that I had developed over it. The flower was a little, helpless creature in this big, wide world. A creature like me.

The big wooden double doors opened with a loud creak and we found ourselves back in the majestic office. Rain's mother's beige dress flowed behind her as she took a seat behind the glass table.

Once Master had reached and stood beside Mistress the principal sighed and asked, "Care to explain?"

Master was quiet. He knew the stakes. His mother hated him already and now if he were going to be expelled then-

"Miss Henris." Rain looked up at her with brown, blazing eyes. The daisy still in her hands.

"Mateo Robinson had posted an inappropriate photo on his account. The people in the image had given no consent to be in it, yet he posted it anyways-"

"I don't see why any verbal communication couldn't have solved that?" The principal interrupted.

"Please let me finish." Said Rain dangerously calm. The calmness which scared everything and everyone present in the room. I never thought calmness could be this powerful.

Her mother nodded, regaining her composure.

"He had done much more than that, Miss Henris." She smirked then continued, "he was seen in inappropriate settings in his school uniform the previous term, over half the injuries and fights in school were his doings, he was caught vaping in school premises, he was seen in clubs in the nearby town, and might I add, wearing the prestigious school uniform."

The principal's mouth was agape and as she was about to say something, Rain continued.
"If me saying all this doesn't make any difference, then maybe this will." She slipped out her phone from the pocket of her dress and then opened an album with all the photos of Mateo doing exactly what she had told her mother about.

She walked towards her then placed her phone on the glass table with a click. After a while of examining the images, the principal shook her head. "All this is punishable indeed, yet I still do not understand why you didn't bring this up to me? Violence was truly unnecessary here."

"He was saying-" Master spoke up yet his voice died down the moment Mistress glared back at him.

"Pardon?" Asked Miss Henris.

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