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"Shit-" he woke up and looked around, startled, his eyes landed on Mistress laying down beside him. He immediately recollected what had happened yesterday.

He was sitting up against the metal bed frame and his hand was tangled up in her long hair. She was sleeping on it. Master's hand was cupping her soft cheek and he squeezed it slightly out of temptation. Realising what he had done, he swiftly removed it with his iconic red ears returning.

"I'm still here." Said Carlo annoyed yet secretly loving this new, caring Caspian.

"I know! Now shut up! She's sleeping!" He whisper-yelled.

"It's already eleven Hernandez."

"I don't give a shit."

"Maybe Princesa here, does."

"You think?" He asked, innocently.

"Yup. Definitely." Nodded Carlo.

"Okay..." He leaned down close to Mistress's ear and whispered sweetly.

"Rain, time to wake up!"

"Um?" She groaned still asleep.

"Wake up swee- Uh, Rain!"

She peeled open one of her eyes and looked at Master with a teasing glint. The corners of her lips curled up and she said, "You were about to call me, what?"

"Uh-" He blushed. "Nothing." He covered his red cheeks with his hand and looked away.
Mistress sat up and continued her sweet torture.

"We're you calling me your sweetheart?" She smirked and looked at Master with a teasing smile.

"Damn- Princesa! You have Hernandez whipped! " Shouted Carlo amused, making Mistress flinch. Ahh she hadn't noticed him there.

Now it was her turn to blush like a tomato.

"You'll be fine right?" Master asked Rain for the hundredth time

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"You'll be fine right?" Master asked Rain for the hundredth time.

"Yes I will, now go away!" She said angrily yet it had a slight smile behind it. She was enjoying the attention Master gave her.

"Okay." He examined his nails still standing in her dorm room.

"Go Caspian!"

"I could stay you know? Just incase?"

"Goodness! I'm fine! It's just a scratch! Now leave." She shoved him out.

"Bye Cas." She slammed the door shut on our face.

"Did she just call me Cas?" Master looked at me on his shoulder.

I nodded.

"NO WAY!" He shouted as a goofy smile crept onto his face.

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