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CHRISTOPHERWhy the fuck I woke up in a god damn hospital?!

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Why the fuck I woke up in a god damn hospital?!

"Why the fuck am I strapped to a hospital bed right now?! What the fuck is going on?!"

I shouted, trying to move around. I couldn't remember shit that happened before I passed out. Suddenly, some nurse named Sandra walked into the room.

"Thank god you're awake, Mr. Brown. We were starting to suspect that something was wrong."

"Bitch! Why you stupid ass people have my ass strapped to a hospital bed?! What the fuck happened?!"

"You're on suicide watch, Mr. Brown. You slit your wrist in your home. Your younger brother called 911, and you've been here since last night."

Ohhh yeah, THAT. All the bullshit with Gabi really triggered me. Fuck.

"Where is Jayden now?"

"He just went home a little while ago. We'll update him that you're awake. But now since you're awake, we have to get you all straightened up. Since you're on suicide watch and you've harmed yourself, we have no choice but to transfer you to the psychiatric unit."

"You fucking kidding me right now?! How long I have to be in there for?!"

"A week. If we feel like we need to keep you in there longer, we'll inform you."

"Oh hell nah! You niggas is straight up bugging! Get me the fuck outta here!"

I started wiggling and kicking while still being tied down to the bed. Sandra stepped back, becoming horrified. She ran to the room door.

"I need back up! Patient is becoming violent!"

In about a minute or so, two other nurses came into the room and held me down from each side. Their names were Jessica and Briana. Sandra then pulled out a needle and injected me with some shit to calm me down.

"What the fuck..."

"We need for you to not freak out and become violent, Mr. Brown. We are only trying to help you. We're going to unlatch you from the bed, and we'll take you to where you need to go. Understood?"

I couldn't do anything but just nod in response. The three of them slowly unlatched me from the hospital bed. Briana pulled up a wheelchair while Sandra and Jessica helped me into it.

Looking down at my wrist, it was wrapped up in bandages. I swear, no matter how many times I've harmed myself, that shit always tends to hurt still.

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