3) Crossroad Carnival

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3rd POV

As the morning sun is gracing the horizon, slowly turning night into day, painting the sky in a warm orange color, informing the creatures and people of the time. Most people are still sleeping at this point, seeing that it is a weekend day. But for some people, do they need to wake up early and start working. And that some people, is the Monastery.

''Rise and shine. Time to train.'' Says Lloyd calming and gentle as he opens the door to the living room, which is the temporary room for Arin and Sora.

''Wha... Not just a dream.'' Gasp Arin awake and look around. ''It really is my first day of Ninja training. YES. Awesome. Maximum awesome.''

''Ugh... It is the crack of dawn.'' Groan Sora awake and look at the clock, which is pointing at 5 o'clock in the morning.

''I know. I thought I would let you sleep in for your first week.'' Says Lloyd with a shrug of his shoulders. ''Meet me in the courtyard in ten minutes.''

''Sleep in?'' Repeat Sora weakly, letting herself fall down to the bed.

''Actually that was a joke. We normally wake up at 6.'' Inform Mirabel with some cups in her hands. ''But to better wake up in a flash and have the energy to fight even after a few hours of sleep, is our sleeping schedule odd.''

''Great.'' Groan Sora and slowly sit up again. Mirabel just chuckle and give her a cup of tea.

''This will help you get some energy for the training.'' Inform Mirabel and leave the teen. Sora gulp the tea in one go before she walks out into the courtyard, where Arin and Riyu are already doing some warm ups.

''Why are we training way up here?'' Wonder Sora out loud with a yawn in the beginning. ''We are becoming Ninja to help people. Shouldn't we be around people? You know, like, in the Crossroads?''

''You just wanna go to the Crossroads Carnival, don't you?'' Ask Arin and look right through his BFF.

''Well, duh. Don't you? We have never, ever missed one.'' Remind Sora and show Arin the colorful poster, with fireworks and tents on them. 

''True. And I was determined to win the Pie Baking Contest this year.'' Agree Arin and get back up on his feets. ''Grab-Barg wins every time. I have been perfecting my recipe all year.''

''Let's ask Lloyd if we can go.'' Suggest Sora, right as the main doors of the Monastery house opens.

''Go where?'' Ask Lloyd, with a cup of tea in hand.

''The Crossroads Carnival, where everyone from the combined lands celebrates their traditions. There is a ton of food and games and a huge fireworks show by this firework genius named Dorama.'' Explain Sora with excitement of this event.

''Plus, a pie-baking competition.'' Add Arin with the love of his hobby. ''It is super fun.''

''It does sound fun. But it also sounds like a distraction from something even more fun, training.'' Says Lloyd and deny them permission to leave.

''What are we supposed to train on?'' Ask Sora confused, looking at the empty courtyard. ''There is nothing here.''

''Ah, to become a Ninja, you must see potential where others do not.'' Says Lloyd wisely and swing his bo staff, pressing down on a mechanic panel at the stone floor. A massive circular part of the courtyard drops down slowly... only to stop half way. ''What? This always worked when Master Wu did it. Oh, it is a whole big, impressive reveal.''

''Sounds like your mechanisms haven't been maintained.'' Answer Sora to that, already finding the problem. ''When junk gets into gears, it can ruin everything. When did you last clean them?''

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