24) The Force From the East

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3rd POV

In the light of the sundown, shining over the vasteland of the Land of Lost Things, walk a certain Munce around in a room inside of the Rookery, picking up a small 'family' picture to gaze apond the missing member of this odd group. Geo smiles a little when he look at Cole's smiling face, remembering the time his team first arrived at the Land of Lost Things.

''Cole. You okay?'' Ask Geo that time, watching Cole get inside the noddle cup skulpture.

''I am fine, Geo.'' Ensure Cole, touching his hand slightly, which makes the Munce heart tickle a little. Then Geo thinks back to the time that he was electrocuted by an Imperium drone, while trying to get the Dragon Core from LaRow, and then be caught on Jiro while falling. There he saw Cole smiling kindly to him, which just bring a warmth feeling to Geo. He surely miss the Earth Master.

''When is dinner, Geo?'' Speak up the skeleton person, Bonzle and walk into the Roockery fortress. ''I set the table. Fancy.''

''Ugh. I am not even sure what we have got to eat around here, Bonzle.'' Point out Geo, walk outside with Bonzle to join the two kids by the outside table.

''Eh, whatever. I don't eat much anyway.'' Shrug off Bonzle and put a flower in a coffee mug.

''And I don't cook much.'' Add Geo once again, frowning a little at the sight of only four plates. ''Cole was the real chef in this place. But his old teacher's mysterious voice calling out to him to follow had to be important. Right?''

''Unless it was a trap and Cole is never coming back.'' Says Bonzle straight out with no hesitation or regret, making the Munce just shake his head with a small smile.

''Why do you say stuff like that?'' Ask Geo with a small joking tone, but Bonzle just shrugs her shoulders. ''Besides, I think Cole is happy being with his love again, after what happened with all those Mergequakes.''

''Huh, true... Anyhow, if dinner isn't ready, maybe you have time to check out the new arrivals.'' Suggest Bonzle with a small idea to cheer Geo up.

''Another trash geyser brought some more lost items?'' Ask Geo happily. Bonzle just nod her head and pulls out a screwdriver and a twig, throwing them over to Geo.

''Yep. Bunch of new stuff just turned up.'' Answer Bonzle.

''New stuff means more stuff to make art.'' Says Geo excited and use his Fusion Powers to create a photo frame holder with the screwdriver, twig and a fork. ''And that is way more fun than making dinner.''

''Then let's get to it.'' Cheer Fritz and jump away from the dinning table, amusing the adults and just follow after the kids into the field of trash piles, trying to find something useful.

''*Inhale* Aaah, I just love the sssmell of new old ssstuff in the morning.'' Says Spitz out loud and look over to Geo, to see him push an old car away and suddenly see an unusual item.

''Ooh, check this out. Kinda looks familiar.'' Call over Geo surprised and look over the disc.

''You have another piece of that thing in our art yard.'' Point out Bonzle, recalling where the other side of the disc is.

''Right, they must go together. Companion piece.'' Gasp Geo in realisation and wave the gang over to help him move it over to their art yard. Geo takes the piece off the portal gate from his previous art and then uses his powers to attach the new piece to the other piece. ''There, it's like a set. Cool''

''Yep, like a family all together. Like us.'' Commend Bonzle impressed of the art.

''Well, 'us' when Cole gets back.'' Correct Geo, still a bit unsure how to feel about Cole not being around anymore. He has been with them for a few years, has been with them since the Merge, and now has to leave to be with his real family.

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