23) Beyond Everything

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3rd POV

The once calm and quite Monastery of Spinjitzu, has turned into a sour and gloomy atmosphere between all the Ninja. The lost at Cloud Kingdom has really taken their confidence, as they feel responsible for the Kingdom to fall under Ras's control. But what can they do? They have never experience something similar to Shatterspin, so how are they gonna stop it. Or stop Ras from bringing back a force that is called, Forbidden Five. Something with that name surely isn't a good sign and can they be prepared in time? Zane is is down for the count, having a small emergency repair from Nya, the moment they returned to the Monastery. Mirabel on the other hand, woke up from her forced sleep, feeling awful and petrified for what she has done to those Wolf Warrior. Living or object, real or not, she still killed someone. Took away their lifeforce for her own gain. She has locked herself in her room, refusing to come out until she can clear her mind. The team understand her feeling and are respecting her non spoken request of leaving her alone, and do something else to clear their own mind.

''Argh.'' And someone has decided to spend their time managing their anger, smashing boxes after boxes with their Elemental Mech, down at the Monastery hangar.

''Destroying all our storage crates won't help us save Cloud Kingdom.'' Speak up Nya by the computer, not taking a moment to look at her brother destroy some more boxes with his mech.

''It is helping me work out of my anger.'' Point out Kai and crushes one box with his mechs hand, letting the small pieces fall through the metal fingers. ''But I don't even think our elemental mechs could stop Cinder and Ras. What else we got?''

''There is nothing in Master Wu's notes. The pages we still have anyway, about Shatterspin.'' Inform Nya with a frown, as she goes through every single file they have on the computer. Scanning and double, even triple, checking everything to make sure she doesn't miss something. ''And I can't find anything about these Forbidden Five Ras wants to bring back, either. It is like it was all scrubbed from history.''

''Well, someone stopped the Forbidden Five before. We have to figure out how they did it fast.'' Point out Kai the obvious and throws the last wooden box into the air and blast it with his fire blast. Up at the Monastery, in the living room, are the two young students taking a moment in silence and do their own thing. Arin is training a little on the punching bag, while Sora is working on a small project she came up with.

''Take that.'' Grunt Arin towards the punching bag, doing some small hits before he uses his Spinjitzu to knock it completely off the chain. He instantly gasp and call out to Sora to dodge it, who luckily heard him in time and ducked. Riyu, who stands behind her on the other side of the table, just grab the punching bag like a squeaky toy. ''Sorry. Kind of lost control there.''

''I get it, Arin. We are all on edge. Losing that battle was crushing.'' Says Sora, understanding the situation around the Monastery. She is working on a grabbling hook, that can be linked to Elemental Powers. ''I am trying to be helpful by building useful gadgets, but it probably won't make a difference.''

''Yeah, I am training cause I just don't know what else to do.'' Sigh Arin out loud, letting his shoulder go down a little.

''Why are you practicing in here and not in the courtyard?'' Ask Sora curious.

''Because Lloyd is out there, meditating on his visions. If he doesn't come up with a way to stop Ras and Shatterspin, I don't know what we are going to do.'' Answer Arin, recalling seeing Lloyd sitting by Master Wu's portrait to meditate.

''Yeah... Both he and Mirabel is defiantly taking this defeat the worst.'' Sigh Sora out loud as well. Out of pure instinct, look Sora towards a flower bush to see its colors has fated and becoming slightly limp, almost dyeing. Arin sigh sadly at the sight as well and unconsciously look towards the door, thinking of Lloyd, who is out there, meditating in the courtyard, in front of Wu's altar. But he stays there all day, not noticing the sky turning dark. He tries really hard to get a vision, any vision, but simply won't come. Instead, the world around is becoming a problem to him as a simpel fly wakes him up from his concentrating state.

Ninjago: Rising PhoenixOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz