6) Return to Imperium

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3rd POV

The Ninja team run straight for the scrap yard after hearing rumors that a dragon has been spotted there. And where there is a dragon, is there hunters. And the Claws of Imperium is really trying to capture the blue lightning dragon.

''We gotta hurry, I can feel its pain.'' Warn Mirabel to the group.

''Roger that.'' Says Arin and use his grappling gun and swing into the scrap yard. ''Coming through.''

''Are we interrupting something?'' Ask Lloyd from top of a scrap pile and throw his sword to take away Raptor, the leaders, hologram gun. The gun was aimed at the dragons mouth, but the moment it releases charge the dragon an attack at Rapton.

''Don't you know it is rude to harm other creature?'' Ask Mirabel sarcastic and use her 'grab and swing' move to get the hunters away from the dragon.

''Ugh... Deploy the drone-'' Order Rapton until a scrap car fell on top of him. It doesn't kill him, just trapping him for a moment. A small army of drones start to circle the dragon and shoot after the Ninja. Mirabel have to step away to avoid being shoot at.

''Let's free that dragon.'' Says Lloyd and charge at the drones. They make sure the hunters and drones gets pushed away, giving Mirabel the change to communicate with the dragon. With one touch to the nose, she pats its head and heal it a little.

''Ssh, it is okay, I got you.'' Says Mirabel calmly to it. It weakly moan and tries to lift its wings, but Mirabel just keep healing it, making sure to guide the power to the dragons wings.

''It will be alright?'' Ask Sora in a whisper to not startle the dragon.

''Just... give me 2 minutes and he can fly away to safety.'' Struggle Mirabel to say and just focus on healing. Sora nodded, breathing a sigh of relief, when something cling behind the Ninja. The Claws of Imperium leader, Rapton, throw something into the air and activate some machinery. Light starts to projectile out of it and form into a giant wolf beast. Its roar was not like an animal, but some vibrating noise and it doesn't have a straight outlining, instead it has like three, making it a little bit glitchy. And Sora knew exactly what it is.

''It is just a hologram.'' Says Kai unimpressed by the wolf.

''No, it is not.'' Correct Sora and jump to the side, leaving Kai to get the full hit.

''Mirabel, help the dragon, we take this.'' Order Lloyd quickly before Mirabel could jump into action. She frown at the request, but still does it to help the dragon get away. Kai and Lloyd tries to attack the wolf from each side, but their attack just bounces off of it. 

''Is this thing indestructible?'' Ask Kai annoyed and run with the others for cover. ''Not fair, buddy. Not fair.''

''What even is it?'' Ask Arin confused and look at Sora, who comes from the same place as the dragon hunters.

''It is a Photac. I digitally generated, weaponized techno-beast, comprised of hard light.'' Answer Sora with its full name.

''How do you know that?'' Ask Arin and manage to make a sharp turn.

''Because when I lived in Imperium, I invented it.'' Answer Sora with the cold heart truth, feeling her chest clenched at the fate of her invention. They take cover and hide behind a scrap pile, just barely dodging the Photac beast.

''Guys?'' Yell out Mirabel's voice, making them look towards the lightning dragon. Mirabel tries to fight them off, but they get the upper hand over her and recapture the dragon and her. The lightning dragon roared, struggling against its binding and pick up Mirabel with its teeth. It then swings her over to the others, freeing her from the hunters, and lands onto Lloyd's arms. ''Sorry... I tried.''

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