7) Battle of the Second Monastery

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Mirabel POV

''I really don't understand.'' Says Nya confused at Kai and I, for supposedly being in the Cloud Kingdom archives. But we were supposed to be under the Monastery... Unless this place is a whole new location and these... doors, brought us here. But how? And how come we only find this now?

''Me either. You were in the Cloud Kingdom, Nya. How did you get under the Monastery?'' Ask Kai again.

''I am not under the Monastery. I am under the Cloud Kingdom. Which is exactly where you should not be.'' Argue Nya back a little defensive.

''Uh, no, that can't be right. I was just playing video games while Mirabel took a nap, then...'' Explain Kai confused as well, trying to connect all of this.

''Big shock.'' Comment Nya with a shrug, eyeing me who only shook my head.

''Hey. Stopping Mergequake by myself isn't easy. I needed some self-care... And Mirabel had another heart attack, so...'' Defend Kai of his choices.

''You had another? Are you alright now?'' Ask Nya concerned for me, which is sweet, but can also be annoying.

''Yeah, just weaken. I am going to take it slow for now.'' I calmly say to her.

''Anyway, we heard some weird whispers, so we started to following them.'' Says Kai and come back to the main topic.

''I heard weird whispers too, in the Cloud Kingdom archives. Like they were calling out to me.'' Inform Nya of her side.

''But they were just gibberish, like...'' Says Kai and tries to imitate the glowing orb we saw.

''Mine too.'' Gasp Nya surprised.

''Then we saw this weird ghost thing. A ghost thing that knew our names.'' Add Kai, shocking Nya even more, meaning that is also happened to her.

''Same. It led me down some strange halls and through that gate.'' Says Nya, pointing at the big door she came out from.

''And we came from that one at the end.'' I chirped in and look back at the door we came from.

''We walked through the same gate, but it was under the Monastery.'' Continue Kai, starting to get even more confusing. ''Is that some kind of portal?''

''If it is, it sent us both to the same place. Here. Wherever here is... Kind of looks like a strange Monastery, doesn't it?'' Point out Nya and follow his brother and I around the big room, to have a closer look at all the portal gates. The one Kai and I came from has a symbol on top of it. Dragon with the sun circling around its head. I frown when I see some very faint traces of magic in here. Different colors coming from the different doors.

''My powers... tells me these doors are connected to other places... And this is the grand hall. Which might explain how we, from two different places, meets at the same spot.'' I calmly inform them and start walking towards the middle of the room, to this odd podium.

''What are you saying, Mirabel?'' Ask Nya and look at my way, but before I even could speak a word, starts the same gibberish noise with the same glowing orb appearing right at the podium I was heading for. It light up the center piece of some metal structure pod. ''*Gasp* That is my whispery ghost thing.''

''Ours, too.'' Mumble Kai surprised and slowly walk towards it with me. The glowy orb then zap right into the center piece, lighting up the entire hall.

''What is this thing?'' Wonder Nya out loud as we get closer to it. The two siblings looks at it and the mechanic around it, while I stayed frozen on the spot, never leaving it out of my sight, as I not only feel but also see familiar aura coming from it.

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