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"They have amassed at our border, my Queen! Our troops are ready and aligned, but they

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"They have amassed at our border, my Queen! Our troops are ready and aligned, but they... they outnumber us by far," Leon, my guard stammers, trying to hide the obvious fear he harbours.

With a sudden grasp on his leather collar, I pull him close, his wide eyes meeting my own blue orbs in surprise.

"We anticipated this day, Leon," I assert, steady and resolute. "We foresaw Jotunheim's encroachment on our lands. Although I had hoped for some semblance of civility when I sent them a letter requesting more time, but it is clear they are as savage as the tales depict. Calm yourself. Stand tall. You are a Vanir guard, esteemed in all realms for your extensive training."

I know my bold behaviour is uncharacteristic of a queen, but my heightened anxiety drives me to rebel against quaint and quiet. No longer can I be compared to a timid little mouse. In times of war, shyness does not inspire hope.

Releasing his leathers, I watch as he straightens his back, his once nervous demeanor replaced by a swell of pride. "They may outnumber us... even tower over us," he confesses. "But we possess speed and precision. We shall fight to the death!"

His declaration sends a shiver down my spine. While I admire his bravery, death, neither Vanir nor Jotun, is what I want.

"None command more respect than the Vanir army," I say proudly, "however, a battle is not my aim today."

A frown forms on Leon's face, confusion evident.

"Listen closely, Leon, and relay my words precisely to your fellow guards." He listens intently, awaiting my instructions. "Do not initiate conflict. Refrain from making the first move. Allow the Jotun safe passage through the grand wall. I want my men to resist the temptation to engage in combat."

Shock overtakes his features, and he regards me as if I've lost my mind. He never expected me to dismiss the battle. Yet, I maintain my resolute stance. I have faith in my plan.

"But... but the Jotun chants are filled with calls for destruction, for chaos! They appear eager for a fight," he protests. "I have to protect you, Annalise."

The mention of my name and not my formal title softens my firm expression, and I am reminded of how long I have known Leon. Our history goes back to childhood escapades, playing hide and seek before he went off to soldier training. He hasn't said my name in so long, always referring to me as Princess, or since the death of my father, Queen.

I see fear flicker behind his initial shock at my command, but it's fear for my safety, not his.

"Do you trust me, Leon," I ask, and his eyes bore into mine.

"Always, my Queen." His expression is as sincere as his reply.

"Then order the immediate recall of all soldiers from the wall's borders," I continue with firmness. "We must leave no one to defend. Once you have safely retreated to the confines of the palace, we will open the gates and allow the Jotun entry through the wall.".

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