The deal

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I carefully observe Loki, studying his every move and expression as he presents his proposition

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I carefully observe Loki, studying his every move and expression as he presents his proposition. The allure of gold and jewels might sway many rulers, enticing them to accept such a tempting deal. But not me. My desires lie elsewhere, and material wealth does not hold the same appeal.

In Loki's current form, devoid of his Jotun appearance, I find it easier to read him. Although he attempts to maintain a stoic expression, subtle cues betray his bold confidence. The faint curve of his lips and the fine creases around his eyes hint at his cockiness. He genuinely believes that I possess the orb he seeks, convinced that this deal is a guaranteed success.

But I, too, am confident in my knowledge. For Vannaheim is renowned not only for our formidable fortress and army, but for our extensive library that meticulously records historical events. It's inconceivable that the orb of fertility, the object of Loki's search, resides within my domain.

However, not one to dismiss an opportunity to acquire an item that could greatly benefit my realm, I decide to play along in Loki's game. With determination etched across my face, I respond, ready to make my own demands.

"I propose this, Loki. If you are willing to offer five times the amount of gold, part with a piece of your Yggdrasil root, and relinquish your legendary golden-horned helmet that has seen many battles, then I shall agree to your terms. I must admit, I had anticipated seeing that illustrious helmet here today. They say it's quite big."

I see Loki's eyes change. Taking on a sultry gleam as he leans in and speaks with a voice dripping with seductive charm.

"Oh, it is big, darling. That, I can assure you."

His whispered words, brushed against my ear, send a shiver down my spine, and instinct tells me he isn't referring to his helmet.

He draws back, and the intensity of his gaze leaves me captivated and unnerved. I quickly shift my eyes away from the magnetic pull of his, seeking another focal point, yet they inexplicably settle on his lips—the very lips that had just touched mine.

It's still hard to believe that he kissed me. That the king of Jotunheim stole my first kiss. What an audacious act. I should have retaliated with a firmer bite, perhaps even removing his tongue entirely. But I hate to admit. He certainly has talent in that department. The kiss was not entirely awful. Lucky for him. As it made me show restraint, suppressing the impulse to bite hard.

"You fail to see my helmet," he continues, and I watch his lips as they move. "Because, although my army lies in wait, I have not yet given the order to commence battle. Only those I am ready to conquer may gaze upon it, instilling fear, and envy." His arrogant reply snaps me from my hypnotism and I shoot him a glare. Such smugness is a turn off.

"And you surprise me," he adds. "What greed. To demand five times the gold. Is your palace not already adorned with enough opulence?"

His cockiness only serves to fuel my anger towards myself for once feeling drawn to him. My judgement was clearly off. Now, his true self shines through, confirming all the descriptions of him as arrogant, pompous, and smug.

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